Important Hemorrhoid Treatment Tips by Medical Experts

Although different people have different opinions about the best way to get rid of hemorrhoids, it is always better to know what the real medical experts have to say about the best treatment for piles.

These tips have been given by different medical experts on the proper treatment of piles:

Tip 1- Do not be ashamed of yourself

Do not wallow in self pity and feel that you are the only one suffering from this disease. Hemorrhoids afflict a lot of people; famous and not so famous, rich and poor.

Napoleon the great French leader suffered from hemorrhoids, President Jimmy Carter had hemorrhoid surgery while he was in office, a lot of other famous and important people have also suffered and some are still suffering from this ailment.

The first advice medical experts give to pile sufferers is not to feel bad about themselves, lots of other people including doctors have the same ailment.

Tip 2-Aim for easier and strain less bowel movement

According to overwhelming medical evidence the major underlying cause of hemorrhoids is the generation of excessive strain during defecation which pushes out the veins of the rectum and anus causing them to over distend and enlarge abnormally.

So most medical experts advice that you must aim for softer stools that will not require too much straining on your part to void them out of the body.

Tip 3- Lubricate your anus

To aid smooth passage of stools out of your rectum and anus you are advised to lubricate your anus with a dab of petroleum jelly.

According to Dr Edmund Leff M.D, a Board Certified Colon and Rectal Surgeon practicing in Phoenix, you should apply this dab of petroleum jelly by using a clean cotton wool swab or by using your clean finger to apply the jelly about 1/2 inch into your anus.

Tip 4- Do not assume that the blood in your feces is always due to piles

If you are experiencing symptoms of what appears like bleeding hemorrhoids you should see your doctor for proper evaluation.

According to Dr Edmund Leff M.D “although hemorrhoids do not lead to cancer, hemorrhoids can cause bleeding and cancer can also cause bleeding”, also hemorrhoids can also co-exist with cancer sometimes.

Tip 5- Be gentle on yourself when cleaning

Do not be too rough on your bum during cleaning. According to John .O.Lawder, a Family Physician who specializes in preventive medicine, you must be extremely gentle and thorough when you are cleaning your anus.

If you want to use toilet paper to wipe, you are advised to use the non perfumed plain white tissue paper which you must dampen with water before use, Dr Lawder advises that the best toilet papers to use for cleaning are those coated with moisturizing creams.

Tip 6-Avoid scratching

Do not give in to the urge to scratch itching piles. According to Dr Lawder.M.D, you do more harm and damage to the walls of the inflamed delicate veins when you scratch and this actually worsens the irritation and symptoms.

Tip 7-Do not lift heavy objects

Lifting of heavy objects and engaging in strenuous exercises also puts the abdominal muscles under a lot of strain according to Dr Edmund Leff who is a Board Certified Colon and Rectal surgeon. He advises that if you have to move heavy objects at home, you can hire someone else to carry them for you.

Tip 8- Practice the sitz bath method

You should immerse your butt into a warm water bath for about 15 minutes at a time, and the water must be at least 3-4 inches deep.

Dr J.Bryon Gathright Jr.M.D. who is the Chairman of the Department of Colon and Rectal Surgery at the Oschner clinic in New Orleans, Louisiana says that the effect of warm water douses pain by relieving the congestion of blood in the pile veins. This also helps to shrink the swollen veins.

Tip 9-Apply hemorrhoid creams

Dr Gathright also advises that you can apply local creams and suppositories to briefly relieve pain locally as these creams can not make your symptoms disappear totally.

Tip 10- Lower your salt intake

According to Dr Lawder too much salt in the body leads to retention of water in the circulating volume of blood, thus increasing the volume of blood in the body. This in turn encourages pooling of excessive blood and over distention of the veins of the body.

To discourage this, the hemorrhoid victim is advised to take minimal quantities of salt needed for normal tasting of foods; you should desist from the habit of adding extra salt to your meals every time.

Tip 11-Shed excessive weight

Dr Lawder also comments that excessive body weight puts the lower parts of the body under excessive pressure and this excessive pressure predisposes overweight people to developing piles and varicose veins.

If you are suffering from the symptoms of piles and you are obese you must shed your excess fat if you really want to be free from the symptoms.

Tip 12- Lie on your side if you have hemorrhoids in pregnancy

Dr.Lewis R.Towsend M.D., a clinical instructor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Georgetown University Hospital Washington D.C advises pregnant women to lie on the left side of their bodies for about 20 minutes.

If they repeat this every 4-6 hours, this will reduce the pressure effect of the weight of the growing baby on the main veins draining blood away from the lower half of the body to discourage extra pooling of blood in the peripheral veins.

Tip 12- Make use of a complete natural treatment guide

According to Dr J Davies Medical Director of St Lukes Health Alliance MA and Dr Charles Livingstone one of the best ways to get rid of hemorrhoids is to make use of a natural multi approach system.

Author Bio: And you can get the details of a good natural multi approach system by visiting . Finally click here to read a free book on hemorrhoid home cures.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: natural hemorrhoid treatment,hemorrhoid creams, hemorrhoid treatment, hemorrhoid home cures,

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