How to Treat Piles at Home Using Simple Methods

You do not have to pass through the stress of hospital admission and surgery to deal with painful and symptomatic hemorrhoids that are disturbing your daily activities.

There are different simple hemorrhoid home cures that you can use within the privacy and the comfort of your home to obtain effective pile relief.
These simple home remedies for piles include:

1 – Over- the- counter- hemorrhoid treatments

There are a lot of pile creams and suppositories that are available as over the counter hemorrhoid treatments in most local health stores that can be applied topically to the butt region. These treatments however are designed to be at best local pain killers and they also relieve superficially the symptoms of itching and swelling.

They do not give definitive cure of the actual disease.

According to medical experts, the use of creams tend to be more effective than using suppositories because suppositories tend to float too far up in the rectum without properly getting to the area in the lower anus where external piles are situated.

These suppositories do not also dissolve high enough to get to where internal piles are situated properly.

2 – Cold witch hazel

To relieve hemorrhoid pain fast, give your piles a special home treatment treat by first immersing a bottle of witch hazel into a bucket of ice cubes to make the witch hazel ice cold. Then take a piece of cotton wool and soak this piece of cotton wool into the ice cold witch hazel.

Apply this cotton wool that has been soaked in ice cold hazel unto the external pile tissue, you can repeat this as often as possible to numb the pain and irritation, howbeit temporarily.

3 – Psyllium seeds

Psyllium seeds are very sources of dietary fiber which makes stools softer and easier to pass out. These seeds help to prevent the formation of hard stools and excessive straining during defecation which is a major reason behind the formation and worsening of hemorrhoid symptoms.

– You should take these seeds every morning initially during the first week of consumption, take one spoon of the seeds dissolved in a glass of water daily.

– During the following week you should increase consumption to two glasses of seeds per day, one glass in the morning and another glass at lunch.

– By the third week you should be taking a glass of these seeds three times in a day, one in the morning, another one in the afternoon and the final glass of seeds in the evening.

Make sure that you take lots of water while you are consuming these seeds

4-Make use of a complete natural home cure package

One of the best ways to treat and actually cure hemorrhoids at home is to make use of a complete natural home cure package which can address all the different aspects of the causes of the disease to achieve a well rounded and complete cure which will last for a lifetime.

The treatment of hemorrhoids need not be too complex most of the time, all you have to do most of the time is to apply simple effective hemorrhoid home remedies for effective healing.

Author Bio: So you are invited to visit to learn how to make use of a complete natural hemorrhoid relief package. Finally click here to read a free book on hemorrhoid relief at home.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: how to treat piles at home, hemorrhoid home cures, relive hemorrhoid pain fast, over the counter hem

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