Helpful Pitching Machine Exercises

Using baseball softball pitching machines is a great way to get consistent practice that requires nobody else to help you. Getting into the batting cage is one of the best ways to work your way out of a slump and correct mechanical issues that might be affecting your game. Batting cages offer a safe place to play where you do not have to worry about the distactions of other players and you never have to worry about someone getting tired halfway through helping you perfect your game. Though a machine is helpful, it can get boring doing the same drills over and over. If you slack off and just go through the motions, you might not be getting the best practice possible. If you are really interested in improving your hitting fundamentals, as well as accuracy and form, a device that offers consistent pitches will do you a lot of good. However, you need to come up with creative ways to make practice fun and effective.

Adjusting to different counts during an at-bat is a great way to feel comfortable no matter whether you or the pitcher has the advantage. The count is the number of balls and strikes on a batter. If you do a machine drill that allows you to adjust to different counts, you will get a feel for how you should be hitting based on a particular count. Choose a count, say two and two, and practice an entire at-bat as if that is the count. Once you are comfortable with that count, more onto another. Another option for practicing this is to switch counts randomly. Usually in a game, two and two would be followed by three and two or a strike out. Create scenarios in which the count jumps around to get you used to adjusting in all situations.

A mechanized device gives you a great chance to practice reaction time at the plate. Mark out four points on the field with X’s, tape or flags leading from home plate to the mound. Each should get progressively closer to the mount. Start at the first mark and swing at the pitches. After a set number of swings, move up to the next mark. The closer you get, the faster your reaction time will need to be in order to hit the ball.

Players are also able to practice defensive skills with mecanical devices, in addition to their hitting skills. Use the machine to toss the balls so you can field them. This is a great way to get the mechanics of infield fielding down to a science. In the case of fielding, repetition is usually the best way to get good at what you are trying to do, so field as many balls as possible from the device.

Devices offer plenty of opportunity to get in as much practice as you feel you need. You can make it fun by challenging yourself with different games and rewards. The more you practice, the better you will get, so try to make practice sesssions as fun as possible.

Author Bio: Coach Penny Lane operates a baseball web site that offers special types of baseball softball pitching machines as well as training aids and coaching/instructional videos along with lots of free coaching content. Her website offers a special type of batting cage as well as other baseball training aids.

Category: Sports
Keywords: baseball softball pitching machines,batting cage,batting cages

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