All About Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants are larger than other species and live all over the world. They build their colonies inside of wood and prefer damp, dead lumber. They do not eat the wood, like a termite wood, but bore through it creating tunnels and passageways that are used for moving and for protection. They are constantly in search of a new food source, which more often than not is a type of meat or sugar. They leave behind sawdust and piles of chewed up wood. If you notice problems and you should deal with the issue as soon as possible because it will only get worse over time. Carpenter ants extermination is relatively easy, as long as you catch the problem before too much damage is done.

There are more than a thousand different types of this type of bug. They are black and have a defined waist and bent antennae. This is how you can tell them from termites. They are capable of living both indoors and outside. They target the more moist parts of a home like the kitchen and bathroom, but are also found in the living areas. They prefer window frames and floor joists, as well as roof rafters. If water is able to enter your home in any of these areas, it creates a greater likelihood you will be dealing with these pests.

Some species of this bug are able to explode to kill their enemy. This type is usually found in Asia. Their abdomen has glue that attacks enemies. Though the exploding bomber dies, it protects the rest of its colony from an invasion of enemies. As the invaders pass through the glue, they get stick and end up dying.

If you have a problem with this type of bug, you are likely to see him out and about in your home. If you see an occasional passer-by, you are likely dealing with a stray. However, if there are 20 or more and they are out during daylight hours, you can assume someone close by there is a colony. They are capable of traveling far from their colonies, so a stray might just be in search of food and willing to go much further than his fellow colony dwellers. Several, though, indicate the problem might be more serious.

To prevent a problem, caulk any openings from the exterior to the interior of your home. They enjoy moving into the space on utility lines, so caulk around the areas in which lines enter your home. Remove dried out dead wood from near your space, as well as any decaying or wet wood. If you have a serious problem and your maintenance needs to be more than just preventative, you might need to hire a professional to take care of the problem. There are a few at-home remedies you can try such as luring them with tuna or honey. They feed on meat and sugar, so they will be attracted to these things. They will then lead you to their nest, where you can take care of the problem with an application of Boric acid.

Author Bio: Penny Lane is in need of carpenter ants extermination for her downtown hotel. They have found evidence of carpenter antsat that location.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: carpenter ants extermination,carpenter ants

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