Is Using Mobile Phone Spy Software Just Downright Wrong?

There comes a time in everyone\’s life where they feel uncertain about something or even feel paranoid to a certain extent. This uncertainty can grow from a tiny seed of doubt into a huge paranoid monster that takes over your entire life. But there are times in your life when listening to your gut instinct is important. That\’s what it\’s there for – to warn you that something, somewhere in your life isn\’t as it should be.

For most people the deepest levels of paranoia come with either work or in their personal relationships. These are the two areas of our life that matter to us most and with work taking up about 50% of most peoples days and the rest of the day then being spent at home this makes perfect sense. If you\’re running your own business then you don\’t want to think that your employees are possibly stealing from you or just wasting away their working day. And in your personal life the last thing you want to imagine happening is your spouse or partner cheating on you.

And it\’s for these reasons that people are relying more and more on private detectives, snoops and now the latest craze is spy software that you can install on cell phones. This type of software allows you to basically see everything your employees or your spouse are doing with their phone. You can read text messages and e-mails, view images, check their phone book and even listen in on live phone calls if you want.

But here\’s the problem. As much as you want this information to prove or disprove your doubts is it a morally justifiable thing to do? After all just because you can do something doesn\’t necessarily mean that you should right? This moral dilemma is usually enough to tie most people up in knots and so much so that they basically don\’t take any action at all. This then leaves them with the lingering questions that they never get answers for. The irony here is that these unanswered questions burn away in the persons mind and eventually cause problems in ther relationship either way.

Is there a way to solve this problem? Yup! If the person involved is doing nothing wrong then they have nothing to be worried about. If your wife or husband isn\’t cheating on you then at least you know for certain. The same applies to your employees but to be honest your employees are using company phones so it\’s your property and not theirs. The worst that comes from using this type of software is some short term guilt about spying on somebody you want to trust.

But the best possible outcome? You catch the person in the act and have the kind of evidence you\’ll need to clear the floor with them in court. In my book it\’s a win-win for you either way it plays out. You have the right to know.

I feel you owe it to yourself to find out. Don\’t you?

Author Bio: Are you worried that your husband or wife is cheating on you but you can\’t prove it? Wouldn\’t it be cool if there was some cell phone spy software you could install on their cell phone to find out if you\’re right? The good news is that this type of software does exist, it\’s not very expensive, it\’s very easy to use and it\’s called Spybubble.

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: spy software,phone spy software,cell phone, cell trace,cell phone spy

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