Eating Tips For a Long Life

Food is a basic need for humans. Food provides energy. Green plants contain chlorophyll, which helps them synthesize their own food internally. Thus, they eat what is best for them and in the right quantity. People have no such luck. Overeating, eating junk food, not including essential nutrients in the diet are some of the common mistakes made. However by making slight changes in eating patterns, you can cruise along the road to healthy living. In fact, research has shown that eating right foods can enhance the lifespan in numerous ways. Longevity is definitely linked to the food choices that you make.

Take care of your Heart
One major reason for reduced life expectancy in developed countries is increased cardiac risk due to high cholesterol. There are several foods that are heart healthy. Use olive oil in cooking as it has unsaturated fats. The extra virgin variety is specifically known to increase the HDL (good cholesterol), which lowers the risk of atherosclerosis. Omega 3 fats found in fish reduce the triglycerides and lower the overall cholesterol levels. All nuts are power packed with nutrients. Walnuts, for instance have unsaturated fats that reduce the LDL (bad cholesterol) and increase HDL.

Take care of the Brain
Fish is often called ‘brain food’ and not without reason. The fatty acids in fish are critical for brain and nervous system development. Including fish in your diet regularly keeps dementia away.

Avoid sugar. Also, steer away from the artificial sweeteners as they contain harmful chemicals. Use organic sweeteners. Work your imagination and sweeten your cereal with apples or organic honey. Beans contain compounds that help regulate glucose levels and thus aid in diabetes control.

Blood Pressure
Avoid salt. Excess salt tends to retain water in the body, putting pressure on the kidneys. You can flavor the foods with a variety of spices like basil, cinnamon, pepper etc. that enhance taste and are healthy.

The antioxidant Benefit
Antioxidants are required by the body to combat the harmful free radicals. Free radicals are byproducts of the oxygen consumption by cells. Free radicals are responsible for a majority of age related degenerative disorders. Colorful fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, beetroot, and grapes are good sources of antioxidants. Green tea is a rich storehouse of antioxidants. Definitely include these in your diet to keep conditions such as Alzheimer’s, dementia etc at bay. Besides, helping in the management of the above relatively serious ailments, certain foods help towards maintaining general good health.

Fibrous food aids digestion. Fibres soak up water and increase in volume, making you feel fuller. So the tendency to snack between meals is reduced. All lentils like beans, chickpeas are good sources of fibres. Wholegrains are rich in fibres. Because wholegrains are processed less, their nutritional value is more intact. Switch to whole wheat bread and pastas for a healthier meal. Include plenty of fibres in your diet to prevent constipation.

Vitamins and Minerals
Vitamins and minerals are very essential for various body functions. Vitamin K found in green leafy vegetables gives strong bones. Sweet potatoes and carrots contain Vitamin A essential for healthy eyes. Almonds are rich in vitamin E and help reduce the risk of stroke in women.

Milk gives calcium for optimum bone and teeth health. It is better to drink vitamin D fortified milk, as vitamin D enhances the calcium absorption from milk. This is particularly required in women post menopause to prevent osteoporosis.

Finally, keep extra weight off as it puts pressure on bones and joints. Maintain a healthy lifestyle with adequate exercise. Drink water as it keeps the body hydrated. And don’t forget to get your beauty sleep. These factors together with healthy eating will more life to your living.

Author Bio: Need to lose weight? Sign up for Boot Camp North Shore or join Bootcamp, visit Boot Camps Sydney.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Boot Camp North Shore

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