Holistic Dental Care: Anything Less is a Gamble

Healthy men and women all across the country are loving and flocking to natural medicine. Practitioners of alternative medicine treat clients by handling the underlying sources for illness and by using remedies that encourage self-healing.

Many people don\’t yet know that a select group of dentists are alternative as well. This sort of specialized dentist may be called holistic, natural, alternative, biologic, homeopathic or naturopathic. No matter what they call themselves, the foundation of alternative dentistry is to deliver therapy that is nontoxic and biologically appropriate.

Hippocrates, the ancient Greek physician, established the core concepts of alternative medicine. He believed each and every medical doctor must strictly adhere to these rules in treating patients:

1. 1st, don\’t ever cause harm to the patient … treatment should not be more destructive than the condition

2. Honour nature\’s incredible healing power … your physical body has amazing self-healing potential

Standard dentistry has neglected these basic principles. Some of the most harmful elements on earth are used in the materials that regular dentists insert in your mouth. Natural dentists understand that dental health can affect overall health and wellness in both useful and detrimental ways. They implement successful treatments and healthy products that support your body\’s self- healing potential.

Some examples of holistic dental treatment are:

*Enamel preserving methods … saving tooth structure helps to minimize the need for root canal therapy and caps

*Absolute avoidance of toxic dental supplies like fluoride, metal and mercury

*Restoring your teeth with bio-compatible materials like composite resin, ceramic or zirconia

*The use of very low dosage digital x-ray to reduce radiation exposure to nominal levels

*Use therapies that stimulate the healing capacity of nature (you can heal cavities and gum disease)

*Strictly adhere to \”Mercury Safe Practices\” when removing or updating amalgam fillings

Mercury safety and the use of mercury safe protocols is the most important reason to see a natural dentist. Amalgam leaks poisonous mercury that eventually ends up in every cell of your body. Although that\’s bad enough, your most important exposure to mercury occurs when the dentist removes a metal filling in an un-safe fashion. Mercury-safe protocols minimize this unhealthy exposure to mercury vapor. A skilled holistic dentist will safeguard your health whenever removing metallic fillings. Mainstream dentists don\’t understand the dangers involved in removing metal fillings and don\’tuse mercury safe procedures. This omission could have damaging consequences for your health.

Going natural is not a simple conversion for many dentists. They need to transform their professional values and the belief system forced into their brains throughout dental college and their continuing education courses. They will have to acquire new equipment and often times hire new staff. Because of this, there are only a few skilled natural dental practices. While it may take a bit of effort to find a qualified natural dentist, the hard work will pay substantial dividends if you\’re serious about ideal health.

Now what are you waiting for? Go out and get a consultation with a natural dentist … your health may depend on it.

Author Bio: Curt Eastin DDS, ND is a holistic dentist and a naturopathic physician. He earned his doctorates at the University of Washington School of Dentistry and the National College of Naturopathic Medicine. For more information about natural dentistry or safe and effective amalgam filling removal, click the link to receive a report.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Holistic Dentist, Biologic Dentist, Amalgam, Remove Amalgam Fillings, Mercury Detox

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