The Problems Regarding Head Sweating

Are you using a shampoo that promises a cooling effect? do you feel your scalp is sticky because of sweat? Well blame it on ‘excesssive head sweating’ or ‘cranial hyperhydrosis’. Cranial hyperhidrosis is a condition where your sweat glands malfunction due to which you sweat profusely and especially in the scalp. Head sweating can be very tricky to handle and its very convenient to use liquid aluminium chloride, i.e. cooling shampoo, to pacify the aggravation. But do not take head sweating very lightly, it can be a symptom for various ailments like diabetes, scalp infection etc.

Head sweating can occur due to various reasons – Hyperthyroidism , Panic Attack, Stress, Menopause or it can be purely hereditary.

Hyperthyroidism causes rapid weight loss. It can also lead to excessive sweating as it is an ailment which increases the metabolic rate of our body and this results in increased heart rate, thus it overworks all the glands and organs in the body; this leads to extra sweating.

Anxiety or Panic attack can occur due to a sudden rush of adrenaline, it can suddenly make you break into a sweat. If you have experienced it very rarely then there is nothing to worry about but if this happens to you at a regular interval then there is a cause to worry. This happens due to excessive hormone secretion of the sweat gland. This is usually passed off as low pressure, a sudden drop in blood pressure but its better to get it diagnosed.

Stress is also a reason for sweating. Excessive sweating happens when you are stressed out about your work life or family life. When you put yourself under a lot of pressure or when you are facing an uncomfortable situation, stress is bound to happen. Stress immediately triggers off your sweat gland and you end up sweating badly. Stress also happens due to sleep deprivation, which causes the body to sweat more to keep the balance in the body intact.

Again, ‘hot flashes’ is a side-effect of menopause. There is nothing to worry about in this case as it occurs due to the natural pre-conditioning of the body and everyone has to go through it. All you can do during menopause is to take more shower and take more fluids to make up for the loss of it due to sweating.

Specialists believe ‘excessive sweating can also be hereditary. The best thing to do would be to search your family history for any case of excessive sweating. If its hereditary then you can do little about it.
Apart from this excessive sweating can occur when your heart beat crosses the normal, this can happen when you are exercising or working out and so on. Any kind of physical exertion gets your heart beat to go overboard and to maintain the natural balance our body sweats.

The above discussed causes lead to ‘hyperhydosis’. Even though the causes are inclusive but these are the main reasons for your excessive sweating. But to be on the safe side you should visit your doctor to deduce the actual reason out of all the above. Some of the causes like Hyperthyroidism and panic attacks need medication. Therefore, be sure of the cause of ‘hyperhydrosis’ and stay safe.

Author Bio: Visit the armpit sweat cure site to learn how to stop excessive sweating.

Category: Sports
Keywords: excessive sweating, head sweating, facial sweating, armpit sweat

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