Both Men And Women Can Benefit From Kegel Exercise

Dr. Arnold Kegel was the founder of the kegel exercise, and it is designed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. In order to do the exercise, you have to contract and release the muscles in the pelvic floor. The idea is to get more muscle tone in that general area, but you can also increase you sexual pleasure as well as reduce any symptoms of urinary incontinence. Both men and women can experience a great deal of benefits from doing these exercises.

There are several things that can cause the muscles in the pelvic floor to become weaker. Some of them are pregnancy and childbirth, as well as poor posture and obesity. Surgery can also contribute to the weakening of these muscles, along with the nerves that the urinary tract is controlled by. When this is the case, there are involuntary contractions that make it difficult to control the functions of the bladder. The urinary system can also get difficult to control when you are on certain prescription medications. There are also certain chronic illnesses that can cause an overactive bladder.

You cannot start the kegel exercise until you have determined which muscles need to be targeted. For women, this can be done by stopping the flow of urine in midstream. The muscles used to stop the flow are the PC muscles that need to be targeted during exercise. Try to remember the feeling of these muscles and where they are at so that you will know if you are exercising them.

For men, it will be necessary to contract the anal sphincter during exercise instead of the urinary muscle, as for men the pelvic muscle leads into the urinary muscles from the anal sphincter.

In order to do the exercises properly, you will need to contract the PC muscles and hold them for about four seconds, then go ahead and relax them. You will want to repeat this process between 10 and 20 times. The idea is to let the muscles relax completely between every contraction. Your muscles will gradually begin to get stronger, and as they do you will start to have the ability to hold your contractions for longer time periods.

Ideally, these exercises should be done about 10 times on a daily basis. You will only be able to get the most out of these exercises if you do them this often. Also, be sure that you do not focus on the incorrect group of muscles. Try to target just your PC muscles if you can.

One of the greatest things about these exercises is that no one will even know that you are doing them. The main thing is you should just avoid doing the exercises when you are urinating. You can stop the flow of urine for the purpose of finding your PC muscles, but after that you shouldn’t do the exercises while urinating or you could get a urinary tract infection.

Kegel exercise can take a few months to start showing results, so start doing the exercises as soon as possible in order to begin seeing results!

Author Bio: Next, find out more about the benefits of Kegel Exercises now!

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: kegel exercise, kegel exercises

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