History of Fijian Massage

Massage therapy throughout the history of mankind has been around for as long as anyone can care to remember. It has been used during the ancient times by the Egyptian, Chinese, Japanese, Indians, and Arabs as a form of alternative medical care. As the years passed, more and more types of massage therapy were developed from their predecessors.

Fijan massage is a good example of the newer types of massage therapy that are used as an essential medical care method for the healing and soothing of the body. In this therapy, the massage therapist uses mostly the feet during the massage session although some areas of the body require the manipulation of the hands. Results are successfully received by the body right after a massage session and progress in the recovery from an injury are noticeable with ever session of this therapy.

The massage therapy was introduced and made famous all over the world by Lolita Knight after her encounter with the natives of the Fijan Islands in Kadavu. Knight was emotionally attached and had an affinity towards the native people of the island which made her stay and live there for some time. The primitive lifestyle of the remote villages made the villagers prone to injuries, muscle straining, and other painful conditions. Native healers in the community are essential for the progress and sustenance of the village itself as the people solely depends on the treatment he conducts. Among these healers was a man named Simonis who was responsible for teaching the massage techniques to Knight. These healers were working for more than 12 hours a day in order to make sure that the villagers are in good condition. Lolita Knight noticed that regardless of the long massage service done by the healers within the day, the therapists were not stressed out or injured during and after each session.

In 1997, she began to study the art of the Fijan massage’s deep therapeutic techniques under the supervision of Simonis. She also studied how to balance her body while using one leg as a massage tool on the affected area of the patient’s body. She also studied how to perform barefoot massage while sitting down. All of the techniques utilized during the session were less strenuous to the patient’s body as compared to the other types of therapeutic massage.

After completing her education, she began to develop and improve the technique. In the traditional form, a massage therapist is free to use the hands during the massage session while in the modern form; only the feet are utilized to avoid putting pressure on the body therapist’s body by bending. Her modified method also includes the optional use of massage oil, unclothing of the patient, and other additions to make the therapeutic massage much better and more effective.

Anyone who wishes to try the Fijan massage therapy can expect instant pain relief and body relaxation that are both safe and effective. However, if you are skeptical in trying out this amazing bodywork, you can get an advice from your doctor regarding the medical safety and benefits of this therapy.

Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone, the leading hot stones supplies provider. They carry products such as basalt stones, as well as many other accessories for hot and cold stone therapy.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: hot stones basalt stones

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