The First Steps To Learning How To Play A Guitar

If you have decided to learn how to play a guitar, you are in for a very rewarding experience! Before too long, you can learn how to play like the greats, but for now you need to cover some basics before you even begin. If you are not ready and set with everything you need, it is possible that you could become overwhelmed and feel like giving up.

The first thing that you need to be thinking about is getting your own guitar. It’s ok if you do not have a whole lot of money to spend on one, as there are different avenues you can try. You could always check the thrift stores in your area for a decent used one, as well as any of the pawn shops nearby. There will usually be something to find at these places, and the prices are pretty fair. You can also look online at Ebay or Craigslist, as many people have listings for guitars for sale. Of course, there’s always your local music shop too. A couple good brands to try are Gibson and Fender, if you have the money to get one. You can expect to find some decent guitars out there even if your budget is only $100.

You will also need to get a few necessary accessories to get through your practice time efficiently. You should have a few extra picks, as well as extra strings since you will probably break a few at first. It will also be very beneficial for you to get a guitar tuner. If you are committed to learning how to play a guitar, you will need to have these items in order to get going on the right foot.

Before you start playing, check that your guitar is in tune. Whatever type of tuner you have, there will likely be instructions with it that will tell you how to get the right tune for all of the strings. Then go ahead and just strum the guitar for a bit to get the feeling of it. Next, start plucking each string individually until you get to the point where you can always hit only one string at a time. The next thing to do is to try this while holding each string down. Even though this seems very basic, it’s a good way to start and you can never get good at the guitar without first getting a handle on the basics.

You are only going to get better by getting a lot of practice. Try to set aside a certain amount of time every day where you are only focused on practicing guitar. Try to practice one skill at a time before you move on to the next thing. It will be more efficient for you to become good at one thing at a time.

These are just some very basic initial steps to take when you are first learning how to play a guitar, but you can find some more in depth ways to teach yourself whenever you are ready by looking online.

Author Bio: Next, find out more about learning How to Play a Guitar now!

Category: Entertainment
Keywords: How to Play a Guitar

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