Relieve Tension With Visceral Manipulation

Visceral manipulation is a technique practiced by Tibetans and Chinese two centuries ago for the improvement of their health by using manual manipulation of the internal organs. The principle of the therapy is to promote mobility and motion in the various organs of the human body. The practitioners of this technique believe that restriction-free motion in organs is vital for overall wellness. The therapy can be done by almost anyone who is practicing in the field of medicine such as a massage therapist, physical therapist, medical doctor, chiropractor, osteopath, and other alternative health professionals.

The idea of relieving tension within the viscera with manual manipulation was developed and made popular by French osteopath Dr. Jean-Pierre Barral. His interest in biomechanics was cultivated when he was a physical therapist at a lung hospital in France. Later on he was influenced by a famous lung disease specialist, Dr. Arnaud. However, visceral manipulation was not developed not until the time when his patient had relief from an old man who massaged him by pushing something on his abdomen which gave a permanent relief on his spinal condition. Through that incident, the development of visceral manipulation was born. Dr. Barral began to spread his knowledge by teaching the therapy to other therapists who are interested to learn his newly found technique.

Visceral manipulation is basically a gentle type of massage therapy; however, it also uses penetrating techniques to reach the deep tissue of the body. The therapy begins with the patient being examined through the laying of the hands of the therapist. “Listening” is done with the hands in order to get information on the condition of the body. After each manipulation of the organs, the therapist continues on “listening” to the body in order to know whether the movement of the organs was successful or not. Massage strokes and techniques are then performed again to make sure that adhesions and tensions on the ligaments and delicate muscle tissues are removed. The technique is also known for its feel good experience due to the release of serotonin during the therapy as the organs and the body is properly massaged and manipulated.

The session for a visceral manipulation depends on the patient’s medical needs for his or her condition although the therapy usually lasts from 20 to 45 minutes per session. Each session can cost you around 35$ to 100$ depending on the quality of the service, the establishment, place, and the person rendering the therapy. The money we pay though is inexpensive as compared to the benefits we receive from the treatment. Each session produces significant results and benefits to the mind and body of the patient which greatly influences the emotional condition of the client with every session that has passed.

Education regarding visceral manipulation can be earned through the Barral institute and other accredited massage therapy schools that teaches this type of natural medical care. Proper education on the techniques as well as the viscera and abdomen are important in order to promote proper treatment and healing and to prevent injuries and accidents from occurring during the therapy session.

Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone, the leading hot stones for massage supplies provider. They carry products such as stone massage, as well as many other accessories for hot and cold stone therapy.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: hot stones for massage stone massage

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