Quick, Easy, And Cheap Methods to Clean Glass in Your Home

The best way to effectively clean those dirty windows, glass tables or doors in your home need not be difficult or expensive. You do not even have to buy specialised glass cleaner solutions or products from your local store.

Thankfully, there are several very good cleaning products for glass surfaces available that are very eco friendly, and do not contain harmful chemicals or toxins. And the easiest part is that you can even make them in the comfort of your own home

You simply dilute one measure of alcohol spirit to one unit of water into a pot or container. But it\’s best if you can find a plastic bottle with a spray attachment for application purposes. They are easily found in most cheap hardware shops or large supermarkets.

Just spray the combined solution onto the glass or window that you wish to clean, and then rub the surface briskly with paper as if it were a cloth or cleaning fabric.

When the paper is completely saturated with the liquid, dispose of it, and using some more paper, repeat this process until the glass or your window is completely clean and dry. This method may take a little time and elbow grease, but it does work and you will be happy with the results.

If you can not get your hands on some old used paper, then the next best thing to do would be to clean the glass using a micro-fibre type of fabric. They are specialised cleaning cloth\’s which makes for much more efficient glass cleaning than the traditional cleaning cloths which you may have used in the past.

This effective procedure is a little different if the glass has grease marks or stubborn stains on the surface of your precious glass table perhaps. To effectively clean glass with grease stains on it, you will need to dilute a teaspoon of household starch in 500ml of hot water. Using a sponge, cover the surface generously with this mixture. Then let this solution dry completely before you clean the glass with paper that has been soaked in vinegar.

You could also use a micro-fibre cloth as well with this particular method. Never use this mixed solution on glass where there is bright sunshine or in an area which is warm because it will dry far too fast and you will not have enough time to disperse all the dirt or stains. In summertime it is very easy for dirt to gather on glass surfaces.

A good solution for this and for cleaning it very easily and quickly, is to slice an onion in half and then rub it on to the glass surface. When the onion is completely dirty, then slice off the dirty part and continue using the remainder of the onion until your glass is completely clean and grease free. This is an excellent way of getting your glass squeaky clean. Although a very effective method, effective but the smell may put some people off using this free method of glass cleaning.

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Category: Home Management
Keywords: Clean Glass, Clean Home

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