Davidoff Puro D Oro Cigar Review

Origin: Dominican Republic Binder: Dominican Republic
Wrapper: Dominican Yamasa Strength: Medium to Full
Filler: Dominican Republic

When the name Davidoff is mentioned among cigar connoisseurs, one immediately recollects the superb quality associated with past smokes. With this type of reputation, it will only be a matter of time before the new line of Davidoff Puro d Oro cigars accumulates the same outstanding reviews to merge with the already brilliant lines of the past.

In fact, the past is exactly what inspired the new line of Davidoff Puro d Oro cigars. According to Davidoff, these cigars are modeled after their classic roots from the 1940s. One will find them nestled together in bundles of 25 to mirror the traditional Davidoff packaging style. They are elegantly wrapped in a pure white silk Davidoff ribbon, and tucked into a beautiful, paper-lined box. The total package radiates sophistication at its best.

Upon opening the box, one will find each cigar is presented with a gold embossed band with the name and size of the cigar up front and center. There are four distinct sizes in the new line. The Magnificos is defined by its robusto ring gauge, whereas, the Notables represents the Corona Gorda label. In addition, the Doliciosos has a Corona format, and finally, the Sublime is classified as a Petit Panetela all are cigar smoking at its finest.

Before setting fire to these beautiful sticks, it is hard to bypass the beauty of the Dominican Yamasa leaf that swaddles the inner makings of true perfection. The new Davidoff Puro d Oro line of cigars use a beautiful and custom-grown Dominican Yamasa leaf which envelopes the native tobaccos of the Dominican Republic, as done by tradition. According to Davidoff, this leaf is specifically grown for and is unique to this particular line of cigars. This leaf’s appearance is an almost flawless comparison to the richest milk chocolate morsels with a slightly oily feel. It has a few subtle veins, which are hidden upon the seamlessly wrapped exterior. After further inspection, one will find an immaculately placed pigtail cap.

Like members of a family, the new Davidoff Puro d Oro cigars each possess a blend that is unique to its size, with the Dominican Yamasa leaf serving as the tie that binds. All of these cigars are medium to full bodied with distinct flavors and aromas. The first few draws pour out a rich and velvety smooth smoke, which is mild and pleasing to the palate. Subtle notes of wood make their presence known and are sometimes complimented with grassy and floral flavors, which highlight the sweetness of the tobacco. During the last half of the smoke, a dominant spice arrives and remains consistent throughout.

Overall, the new line of Davidoff Puro d Oro cigars is an almost perfect embodiment of superiority and sophistication. From the uniqueness of the Dominican Yamasa leaf that is harvested specifically to unite the flavors within to the native fillers, this line is causing quite a fuss among those that prefer a serious stick. This cigar definitely stands out with class and will make a great addition to the humidors of aficionados everywhere.

Author Bio: For more information on Davidoff Puro D Oro Cigar Review

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