What is Yamuna Body Rolling?

The association of simple equipments in medical care has been used for a long time due to its proven success in effectively enhancing the chances of treating the condition of the patient. Bamboo sticks, foot rolls, and even balls are used in order to promote health and maintain the proper function of all the systems of the human body. Without a doubt, these basic tools are indeed a work of genius in the field of medical care.

Yamuna Body Rolling is the type of body care that does not require the service of another person in order to relieve the condition and to improve the poor health. It is a combination of health and fitness program designed to cater the needs for a healthy and problem-free body. The therapy is a type of movement re-education which stimulates muscle tissues, bones, and nerves in order to increase and improve the range of motion as well as the flexibility of the body.

It is a popular self-care treatment that involves the use of a small ball that has a dimension of six to ten inches in diameter. The therapy aids in providing and maintaining the neuromuscular and skeletal system’s health with the proper manipulation of the ball. The good thing about self care techniques is that you can do it anywhere, anytime, and forever if you want to.

The therapy session begins and ends with the instructor guiding you in a step by step procedure that deals with various problems of the body in detail. The instructor is a certified teacher who has earned the right and license to teach the Yamuna Body Rolling through intensive training.

The therapy session includes the rolling of the ball from the buttocks to the calf, collar bone to the shoulder joint, and other areas of the body. With each muscle connections, the therapist guides the client in rolling the ball for the benefit of having a quality life and good health.

The benefits a client can expect to gain from the use of a ball in a massage therapy are the improvement of poor posture through the proper alignment of the skeletal system through the manipulation of the massage tool and the improvement of the movement. Flexibility is also enhanced with every session of the therapy program aside from the increase in the range of motion. The therapy can also enhance the functions of the internal organs of the client’s body when taken as a regular medical care or used for maintaining good health. The treatment also acts as a fitness program as it helps trim down the body and form muscle tone on several areas. The therapy shares the same goal and objective with the Yoga technique. The healing modality should be done in a slow and gentle approach in order to get the proper effects and a successful treatment.

In general, the therapy defies the common knowledge that as we age, our body tends to become stiff and restricted in motion and flexibility. The treatment is a unique approach in holistic bodywork technique.

Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone, the leading hot stones supplies provider. They carry products such as basalt stones, as well as many other accessories for hot and cold stone therapy.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: hot stones basalt stones

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