Bucket Lists – What Should Be on Them

Thanks to the movie a few years ago that starred Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, the topic of having a bucket list is something everyone is talking about. The most popular way to use lists of this kind is to keep track of some of the things you would really like to do some day. Instead of planning your normal family vacation each summer, take a look at your bucket list ideas and see if there is anything on there you can do, and cross off over the summer.

The ideal time to start making your list is as soon as you start thinking about it. The topic first became popular when talking about people who were a little bit older, but that is no longer the case. In fact, the sooner you make a list of the things you want to do, the more likely you are to get the chance to actually cross off most of the items.

Many people are tempted to limit their list to some of the places they want to visit, but your list can really be a lot more than that. Here is a list of some of the things that you should think about when you are starting your list. Start off by thinking about some of the things you have always wanted to try. These can be as daring as sky diving or as simple as running a local 10K race. Things like singing at a local karaoke place or performing at a comedy club might also make your list. Another thing to consider is if there are things that you have always wanted to learn. If you have always wanted to become a great cook or learn to speak French, put it on your list. Maybe in a few years you will be looking for a challenging way to spend your summer.

You should also consider the contributions that you would like to make to the world while you are here. This can be as big as spending some time with the Peace Corp or as small as finding someplace in your neighborhood to volunteer. Thinking about putting items on your list can keep them at the forefront of your mind and make you more likely look for an opportunity to help.

This list is also a great place to put hobbies that you always thought would be interesting. Have you always wanted to be a master gardener, or a bird watcher? How about finally reading a few of the classic novels you have always heard about? Put them on your list. One of the best things about making these lists is that they make you think about what you really want to do in your life. You do not have to actually look at your list when you have some free time, but the fact that at one point you thought about what to put on it will keep those items in your mind. So get started thinking about what kinds of things you want on your list then start getting them done.

Author Bio: Stewart Wrighter recently searched the term bucket list to come up with a spectacular vacation for him and his wife to take. He and his wife jotted down some bucket list ideas to do in the future.

Category: Travel
Keywords: bucket list,bucket list ideas

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