Risks of CORE Structural Integration Therapy

In any type of medical care, there are always risks involved when done in the wrong way which is why it is important to be careful and picky when it comes to choosing the right therapist for you. There should always be a balancing and checking on the advantages and disadvantages of the treatment before settling on a certain therapy method. The lesser the risks, the better the therapy would be.

CORE Structural Integration therapy is considered as a somatic type of treatment that applies movement re-education, body alignment, balancing, and deep tissue manipulation in order to promote a healthy constitution. It is done in a multi-phased system that follows a standard region by region treatment with each session that is composed of ten visits.

The therapy was developed by George P. Kousaleos who is now also the founder and at the same time the director of the CORE Institute. He developed the technique by creating a session by session treatment that is completed in a ten series therapy. Today, this type of bodywork technique is enjoyed by athletes and common individuals all around the world not only for its effectiveness and benefits but also due to the lower chances of risks and dangers involved.

CORE Structural Integration therapy though impressive when it comes to the benefits it yields to the client’s body may also include several risks and dangers to the physical health. Similar with the other types of bodywork techniques, it can also cause damage to the nerves, muscle tissues, connective tissues, and skeletal system of the client when improperly manipulated by a practitioner. Instead of relief from the conditions it can treat, a patient can expect more danger when under the hands of an untrained individual who is not well equipped with the required knowledge on how to maneuver the human anatomy.

On the other hand, the therapy consists of a handful of benefits that a client can expect to get when enrolled on the treatment program. After finishing the whole medical care, the patient can expect freedom in movement and a wider range of motion. The flexibility of the body and its parts is also enhanced after getting the therapy. Although the therapy is deep penetrating, it is also known for its soothing effect that is great for relaxing and relieving the body from stress, fatigue, and tension. Slight pain is experienced after the session, however this can be temporary as the work on the deep muscle tissue and connective tissues can leave soreness.

I believe that the CORE Structural Integration therapy can be done successfully without having the risks and dangers of the treatment when performed by a certified massage therapist. These individuals have received the intensive and up-to-date education and techniques that are developed to reduce the rate of risking the health of the patient. Allowing a practitioner who is not certified to perform the service will only bring you more harm than it will do you good. There are many professional therapists that can give you a worry-free treatment with the best methods you can have.

Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone about a genuine hot stone massage kit and hot stone massage in general.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: hot stone massage kit, hot stone massage

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