Tips On Getting A New Job

Viewing newspaper job postings will reveal a good number of the listing are offered by job agencies instead of the company where the vacancy actually is.

Many of these companies, specifically small to medium-sized businesses have pruned their human resources departments so much no longer have the available time or facilities in place to undertake the full recruitment process.

Specialist recruitment companies, staffed by specialists within their chosen field such as Sales, Marketing, Accounting are able tailor their recruitment efforts to different business areas. Smaller job agencies may slant their entire business to targeted niche fields.

Using recruitment agencies is attractive to small & medium sized businesses for the reason that the recruiter, experienced in the selection process should be able to quickly work through the submitted CVs and available jobs that arise then find a good match. Only these \’good matches\’ are forwarded on with recommendations to the prospective employer. The company with the vacancy is allowed to carry on their business uninterrupted by the prospect of sifting through possibly hundreds of applications allowing the job agency to justify their reason for being.

Spare a thought for the sometimes unfortunate recruiter however. Responding to a vacant position is far simpler now than it has ever been as CVs created on computers are easy to attach and email anywhere in the world. You don\’t even need to pay for postage. Just a few years ago people would have to take time to either type or write a letter of application and then pop that in the post. This process alone if applied now would cut down the application list enormously.

As it is so easy to respond to a job ad or job vacancy some recruiting staff may be prone to being deluged with respondents looking to get jobs in positions deemed popular. With the advent of the likes of Twitter and Facebook vacancies in popular jobs are published more widely than was ever dreamed of only a few years ago.

What can you do in the face of all this competition? You could have a great CV but so could hundreds of others looking to be selected for a great job. The problem is how to make your particular application more attractive to the person in the recruitment company.

You have to walk a narrow line as by being \’different\’ there is a danger of being rejected due to being regarded as not taking the prospective job seriously enough. This can happen following a story circulated after an individual secured a great position after an apparently bizarre application.

One great way to get ahead of the crowds is by trying to get an appointment to introduce yourself to recruitment agencies in person. This may have to be a little speculative and before particular jobs have even been published but your face and personality may strike the recruiter as being perfect for a specific company or role.

If any old job will do, the prospect of trying to make personal introductions isn\’t worth the time however….. for that dream position you really want it has got to be worth attempting hasn\’t it.

Author Bio: Tips for getting new jobs in Halifax and general recruitment help from Jump Careers. Architect jobs, professional and project management jobs can be found here.

Category: Career
Keywords: jobs, job agency, recruitment advice

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