Get Value For Money Real Estate In Atlantic Canada

Canada is a of those place appealing to a good deal of folks as a second choice after countries in Europe, New Zealand or even the United States but that\’s unfortunate.

Canada has the greatest land mass of any single country on Earth and is divided into thirteen Provinces and Territories. Law breaking or perhaps more worryingly thefts, assaults and crimes against people and property involving firearms is thankfully uncommon allowing the general public to rest easy overnight.

The surprisingly (for such a huge country) low population, numerous lakes and vast coastline to both east and west means great chances to locate ocean or waterfront properties relatively cheaply. This is even considering Canada numbers amongst the worlds richest countries due mainly to its natural resources, timber, fishing, mining and oil.

If you\’ve ever fancied trying your hand as a farmer land in most out of town areas is still inexpensive enough to start your own hobby-farm. The Okanagan Valley in British Columbia has opportunities for wine growing whereas the wide open Prairies tend to be more concerned with wheat and other cerals.

If big city living is more appealing to you, you can amazingly still discover relatively well priced available homes in the central districts of Toronto and Montreal.

However, with a direct flight time of 6 hours time from the UK\’s Heathrow or Gatwick airports Halifax in Nova Scotia could offer a great possibility for bargains. Halifax is also only 2 hours from New York and year-round flight availability means you don\’t get a feeling of being remote from the rest of the world.

What makes Halifax and Nova Scotia a property hot-spot is that you are able to purchase smaller 2 or 3 bedroom waterfront properties in tip-top repair for below $375,000. With a population of around 900,000 and territory similar to a country the size of the Irish Republic there is plenty of elbow room in which to work, live & play.

The temperate maritime climate is also a bonus. Warmed in wintertime and cooled in the summer by the Atlantic Ocean Nova Scotia avoids the extreme frigid winter months and parched summertime of the Prairie Provinces and States of the Northern US.

Although extreme high summer temperatures are avoided some are now adding air conditioning to their homes as humidity can make summer sleeping an issue. If you live in the country although at first it may be great to keep those windows open to breathe in the fresh clean air the cawing of crows or chirruping of frogs may make you reconsider.

The daily commute to the main towns of Halifax and Dartmouth is easy with four lane roadways leading into the cities. Each city has its own mix of big box superstores and shopping malls, cinemas and restaurants.

Life close to the centre of Halifax can be relatively costly with high-priced properties easy to find however away from the main Downtown district and costs drop significantly.

As most people live in the Halifax Regional Municipality many possibilities exist to snap up country cottages for relaxing holidays & weekends. These cottages tend to occupy larger lots and as it is Canada your next-door neighbours will most certainly be warm and friendly.

Author Bio: Waterfront property in Canada can prove to be a great buy. Coastal Winds Realty offers a great selection of homes for sale in Nova Scotia. For a direct link to waterfront properties please click here.

Category: Real Estate
Keywords: waterfront property buying, cheap homes in Canada, real estate Canada

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