The Benefits of Segmenting Your Mailing List

Efficient use of your email list comes when you learn the benefits of segmenting it. Segmenting your mailing list is not difficult and can result in much higher conversion rates. In this article we will look at some of the benefits you will receive if you take the time to segment your list.

Benefit # 1 – Maximize Results

This is what we all look for, better result. When you build a list you start out with a generic all-in-one sort of list, lets take a subject like dog training. People love their dogs and training them is an important part of owning them. You would suspect a subject like this will attract quite a few people and your list will grow substantially in a short period of time. The problem is your response rate is no good, a portion of your list doesn\’t open any of the emails.

By segmenting your mailing list you can start to devise emails focused to a member\’s specific needs. Again, using the dog training example you can send an email to the \”hardly ever open\” your email crowd and ask them, what do your need? Or you can test other categories like house training dogs, training dogs that bark to much, things like this. Once you have your list segmented according to categories you can then market more efficiently and maximize your sales results.

Benefit # 2 – Gender Segmentation

There may be products that are unisex type of products you are selling, but by using segmenting you could discover that one gender is more responsive compared to the other.

Markets can be very confusing at times, you think you will hit a grand slam with a product and you strike out, welcome to marketing. If you see that women are buying the majority of this unisex product, it\’s simple, segment out the men. Now, you can focus on what works with women and begin the process of finding out what the other side of your list needs.

Benefit # 3 – Saving Money

You know that the autoresponder services charge you by list size. In most cases you can send unlimited mailings and this is great, but if you have a bunch of names that only look and don\’t buy you are wasting money.

If you have gone through the process of segmenting your mailing list and tried and tried again to discover what the non-responsive people want and failed, it might be time to list clean.

In this case you may want to send one last email and explain to them what you are doing and make one last invitation to stay on your list. You may also take the other approach and just delete them from your mailing list, the choice is yours.

By reducing your list size you will benefit in lower monthly autoreponsder fees. This seems like such an obvious thing to do, but it\’s hard for list builders to do this because they worked hard to build a list. You will see the benefit of this when you get a big list, the monthly fees can get quite substantial and segmenting your email list for this purpose should become routine.

Author Bio: Trevor Richards writes for Extravision, one of the UKs leading email marketing companies.

Category: Advice
Keywords: email marketing, email campaign, ecommerce, internet marketing, e-commerce, email, sales

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