5 Motivational Tips to Help You Lose Weight

It can feel quite difficult trying to lose weight, sometimes even more so than at other times. In fact, it feels like whatever you do, your effort is not going to make the numbers on the scales move.
But stress not and worry not. Here are 5 motivational tips to keep focused and keep doing what you know will actually work.

– Set mini-goals: Setting mini-goals will make the journey look easier. If you want to lose, say, 50 pounds, it is better to set 5 or 10-pound mini-goals and aim to reach those mini-goals one by one rather than looking at losing 50 pounds altogether. This can really make a difference in how you look at weight loss, because 50 pounds might look like too big of a number. Working with smaller numbers will be easier to achieve. A person will also feel the power of achieving something more frequently with mini-goals.

– Rewards: Along with mini-goals, decide on a reward you would give yourself. Rewards shouldn’t be fattening snack or a visit to a fattening food store! Rewards give a person more motivation to reach their goals, and they also give that person a valid reason to buy or win that something for themselves. This doesn’t have to be an expensive thing. For example, people who are so busy with their lives prefer to reward themselves with finding time for a relaxing day at the beach or a picnic with the family. You shouldn’t really wait to reach mini-goals to find some personal time, but this might work as an incentive to look forward to.

– Record your body’s measurements: Sometimes, the scales simply won’t budge for a particular time, even though you are doing what you always did to lose weight. It worked before, why not now, too? Sometimes, if you are exercising more frequently than before, you might be building muscle. And since muscle weighs more than fat, the scales might not show a loss. Thus it is ideal to take measurements. Apart from the fact that monthly measurements can be another motivation for you to keep losing weight and inches, if in a particular week you don’t lose weight (according to the scales), you can turn to the inch tape and see what it says. Instead of feeling disappointed about the scales, you might find that you have actually lost inches from your body since the last measuring!

– Join a group: Knowing that you are not alone in this journey is really motivational and inspirational. This feels like group therapy and the power of a group can be really inspirational. There are many offline and online groups of like-minded people working towards reaching their goals. This activity will also help to stay accountable.

– Set an exercise routine plan: A person should plan weekly routines and write them down if it is difficult for them to get themselves up and do some type of exercise. If necessary, stick the routine or plan onto your fridge. Aim for a number of workouts a week and write that down for people to see. Some people write that stuff on Facebook to make sure they stay accountable!

Author Bio: For more information please visit our Bloodborne Pathogen Training and First Aid Training websites.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: losing weight ,Motivational Tips ,Lose Weight ,fattening foods

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