Turmeric For Inflammation and Other Health Benefits

Turmeric is a highly popular spice used around the world in many dishes. But did you know that the active ingredients curcuminoids found in turmeric have many health benefits, one of which is the treatment of inflammation?

Of this group of curcuminoids, curcumin has the most research done on it. It is shown in studies to be as effective in reducing inflammation as the prescription medication phenylbutazone.

Most of the world’s supply of turmeric comes from India. And the Indians use it to treat inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and muscle pain. It is also used by many Asian countries in their dishes as well.

Researchers are still trying to determine the exact mechanism by which curcumin works to reduce inflammation. Only recently, has it become clear.

At the molecular level, curcumin has been shown to stop the action of a protein called NF-kappa B. This particular protein affects a part of the DNA (genetic material) that is responsible for inducing inflammation throughout the body.

One major advantage of using turmeric for inflammation is that it works without dangerous side effects as is found with typical over-the-counter and prescription strength anti-inflammatory drugs. This is great news for many people who are concerned about the long-term side effects of using anti-inflammatory medications.

If you think that’s all turmeric does is to bring down inflammation to reducing arthritis pain, think again. The body’s inflammatory response does more harm than you think.

Inflammation is related to many other health conditions such as heart disease, allergies, cancer, diabetes and even Alzheimer’s disease. Indeed, researchers are being to unravel the mystery behind how inflammation can be such a killer.

For example, the antioxidant properties of turmeric prevented rats from developing cataracts when exposed to toxic chemicals. The group of rats that did not get turmeric developed cataracts.

Turmeric also protects the liver and has been suggested by experts for the treatment of hepatitis and for improving the enzyme levels of the liver. And how does it protect the liver? Turmeric possesses potent antioxidant properties.

As well, there are studies to show that it can stop the growth of colon cancer cells in lab settings. Granted, this result is shown only in animal studies and it would be hard for anyone to conclude whether it will really work in the treatment and cure of colon cancer. Only clinical trials will be able to determine that conclusion.

Turmeric possesses anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and antioxidant properties. It is clear that it will eventually be proven to be a life-saving herb for many individuals who suffer from health conditions that involve inflammation.

If you are not taking turmeric for your health at this moment, it may be time to look into this wonder spicy herb. Why wait around for years, perhaps decades, for the research studies to prove that it works before you take it?

By then, it may be too late.

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Author Bio: Visit Turmeric Benefits Review TODAY to discover how this herb can help treat many other health conditions. Tom Chua is a practicing pharmacist focused on natural remedies and supplements for treating ailments. Visit Natural Remedies Reviews on Herbs and Supplements to discover many other useful natural supplements.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: turmeric,turmeric benefits,turmeric inflammation,turmeric cancer

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