Your ERP System Can Now Be Easier to Use

The initial attempts at ERP software systems were both good and bad for the businesses that used them. These systems were obviously a huge improvement over the stand alone systems and they greatly improved the efficiency of a business. However, the early ERP systems were also not always focused on the user experience. They did a great job putting all of the information in one place and available from the same system, but they were not always easy to use. The designers of these systems took notice and have made many improvements related to the user experience. Many of these updates are listed below.

Many people in the business world also spend a great deal of time working with desktop office suites. Traditionally, these systems were separate from the ERP system. Now, in most cases you can integrate the use of the most popular desktop products (like Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc). Another important interface that can now be made is to include an email product within the ERP system. Very few people in the business world work alone. It is a world of constant communication and collaboration and people need their systems to help them with this. Many vendors now include tools like SharePoint to help with this.

The user experience has been a big focus of vendors recently. The system can be fabulous, but if you do not get the employees to buy into its benefits, they will fight the entire process. The result can be that it can actually cause your business to be less efficient instead of more efficient. Improvements in the experience of the user have made these systems even better. Another big focus of the vendors has been the interface. In the early systems, it was difficult to know how to use the system. However, the systems have evolved to the point that this is no longer necessary. By basing the systems on some of the more popular components of the systems people use in their everyday life, it has made the ERP system much easier for new people to begin using.

Another component that is now included in many of the systems is a workflow component. This is a system that basically works to route work to individual employees for each day. As their work is completed, it is electronically moved to the next stage. This is clearly a very valuable component based upon how your business is structured. If there is a handoff from one person to another or there is any kind of a verification or review process, it would be beneficial to make sure there was a workflow option available.

Many businesses are subject to rules, regulations and laws that determine how their work has to be completed. Clearly, these can change at any time and the business does not always have control over these. Any ERP system you are considering has to give you the ability to make minor adjustments as they come up. It should also be very easy for you to make these easy changes.

Author Bio: Ellie Lewis recently purchased ERP software from an online store. She uses ERP systemsin her business.

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: ERP software,ERP systems

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