Psoriasis Treatments During Pregnancy

Psoriasis is a skin disorder caused primarily by the poor functioning of your immune system. There are 2 hypotheses to trigger psoriasis to be happened. First, it is a disorder associated with overproduction of skin cells. Second, it is more common and is linked to immune mediated disorder. This skin disease can affect one person’s life at anytime and there are a few treatments available for the same. But you must be aware of the treatment of psoriasis during pregnancy is a little different than the standard treatment. Again, it is very important and critical for you to understand the psoriasis treatments during pregnancy.

Topical treatment

For the topical treatments of psoriasis are concerned when you are pregnant, you must be aware of the treatment can be prescribed only when the psoriasis is very serious and rare. This is because current medications are absorbed through the skin and can cause contrainindications against pregnant women. As a result, you should be extremely careful with the treatment of psoriasis during pregnancy. Then, would you like to know the drugs are prescribed for a pregnant woman who is suffering from severe psoriasis? Here is the list:

1. Uric acid can be applied in certain parts of the body.

2. Moisturizing cream is topical treatments that are permitted during pregnancy, because they are at sans risk.

3. Topical steroids, when psoriasis is severe steroid can be used for the treatment of psoriasis during pregnancy. However, it should be done in very small quantities. And it should be used only in certain limited parts of the body.

4. Salicylic acid is used only for some parts of the skin.

5. Derivatives of vitamin D should be used in very small quantities and should be avoided whenever possible. This treatment is not for all parts of the skin.

6. Derivatives of vitamin A are against pregnancy for the treatment of psoriasis. This is because they are teratogenic and may cause some problems during intrauterine development of the fetus.

Systematic treatment

The systematic treatment of psoriasis is not a frequent treatment and doctors are trying to avoid this during pregnancy, much as they can. Actually, it is almost unknown. In fact, doctors stop systematic treatment of psoriasis during pregnancy. This is because almost all the systematic means manifest teratogenic actions resulting in anomalies in regard to infant development. Some systematic medications can lead to serious defects in the fetus that may eventually lead to an abortion. So if you have been subjected to a systematic treatment of psoriasis and want to carry a child wait until or unless the drugs are completely eliminated from your body. Plan your pregnancy only after that.

Pustular Psoriasis

During pregnancy, there are some rare case that a women may be affected by pustular psoriasis, a very rare form of the skin disorder. This can be caused by hormonal fluctuations that occur during pregnancy. Then, what are pustular psoriasis treatments available during pregnancy? Since hormones are constantly changing during pregnancy, topical treatments do not prove as so effective. One of the best treatments for pustular psoriasis during pregnancy will be antibiotics. However, if psoriasis is extremely serious there could have an adverse effect on the fetus and can cause a miscarriage.

Author Bio: Learn more about the causes of psoriasis, symptoms, and most popular treatments and solutions, please visit

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Is psoriasis genetic, psoriasis, psoriasis treatment, psoriasis treatment during pregnancy

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