Dynamics In Families After Marriage

Marriage changes the life style a lot. It has a great influence over the both family of the bride and the groom. Beside the newlywed couple, marriage changes a lot to the parents of the bride and the groom. In the Indian society, the bride moves from her own house to the house of the groom and live with the family of the groom.

When the bride moves to the house of her new house of her husband, the most significant change in the life of her parents is the loneliness. Even if there are more children and relatives in the house of the parents of the bride, the empty space of the bride cannot be filled, not to her parents. When the girl goes to her new family, it is a permanent leave. So the feeling is like leaving the daughter forever. And the pain is too much. There is no way to cover up such loneliness.

In the house of the groom, there is a big change due to a new family member. The whole family structure needs to be changed to give the bride a new place in the family. The new bride gets the position of the daughter in the family. She is expected to complete the duty of a daughter to her father in law and mother in law. She is seen as the sister of the brother and sister of the groom and act accordingly. Although the groom does not stay with his in laws, he is given the place of a son to the family of the bride and expected to complete his duty accordingly. His presence in every social even in the house of in laws is essential and his opinion in each matter is taken seriously.

There occurs a financial change in both families. Where the expense in the family of the bride becomes less, the expense in the grooms’ family grows up. The personal expense of the groom also needs to be organized. It is a very common thing that a guy spends much more money in his bachelor life. But in a married life the spending needs to be controlled as he has a family to maintain. He needs to save money for future. There are many social formalities that a married couple needs to full fill. They must participate in every social function and as a couple. They must maintain the social gestures which were not required to fulfill before marriage.

Our matrimonial site http://www.matrimonyhouse.com we have guide lines about how to behave after your marriage and what are your responsibilities to the in laws. This site is basically a marriage site and you can find your soul mate if you search in our database. Here we gather a lot of information about our clients and you can see if the family of your selected girl or boy has the same status like you. So that it will be easier for you to act properly in the new environment. http://www.matrimonyhouse.com is always prepared to help you to give you a better marriage life.

Author Bio: Deepa Mehta writes on behalf of http://www.matrimonyhouse.com, India\’s fastest growing matrimonial website. http://www.matrimonyhouse.com enables users to create and search Indian matrimony profile on the website. Registering, Searching, and Contacting prospective groom and bride are absolutely free

Category: Relationships
Keywords: Matrimonial, Marriage, Indian Matrimony, finance

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