Types of Documents Shredded by Document Shredding Companies
Today, businesses and other organizations have to minimize such security threats as identity theft, corporate espionage, and fraud by making sure their sensitive documents stay out of the hands of criminals. If not, they run the risk of lawsuits, loss of customers, and loss of sales. The best way to dispose of sensitive documents is to use the services of document shredding companies. Document shredding companies provide a secure service where they efficiently and permanently shred sensitive documents in such fine pieces that they are much like confetti. As well, they have established a strict security process where the documents are never left alone and the shredded remains are recycled. These companies meet and exceed all security levels and meet government laws regarding the destruction of sensitive information.
There are a wide variety of documents that can be shredded by a shredding company. It is important that anyone who maintains sensitive documents makes sure they are all permanently destroyed. Below is a list of the types of documents that are shredded by a document shredding company:
Business Information
Businesses of all sizes and types have sensitive information that needs to be protected, even when getting rid of them. These documents can include: bank statements, inventory lists, vendors information, computer passwords, confidential documents regarding business projects and plans, and employee information such as personal information like social insurance numbers, health information, salary, work schedules, home addresses, and evaluation forms. As well, other confidential information can include sales records, credit card information, customer and client lists, projected sales and losses, new products to be released, trademark and copyright information, and a variety of legal documents pertaining to the business and its operations. Such legal documents can include: incorporation documents, licensing agreements, insurance information, court records, patent information, contracts, severance agreements, service agreements, product and design information, etc.
Private Individual Information
Individuals must also keep their financial and personal information out of the hands of criminals. Such information that should be destroyed by a document shredding company includes: bank statements, credit card statements, documents with signatures, phone numbers, loan applications, mortgage information, pre-approved credit offers, insurance forms, expired passports, utility bills, cable bills, canceled checks, debit card receipts, old airline tickets, children\’s personal information, etc. Any document with information that can be used for identity theft or fraud should be shredded.
A document shredding service is vital to any individual, business, industry, and government agency. These professional shredding companies make sure your information never ends up in the hands of criminals. The service ensures protection against fraud, theft, identity theft, and corporate espionage. It ensures important information is permanently destroyed in a way that is secure and safe. You will even be given a Certificate of Document Destruction as proof that your documents were destroyed properly and permanently. The benefits of hiring a professional document shredding company make it an essential investment, especially in a world where data is as valuable as currency. Document shredding services helps a business succeed by providing the essential security protection which includes liability protection.
Author Bio: Premier provider of document shredding New York and shredding services Oklahoma. Certified by the National Association for Information Destruction to make sure your information always stays secure and confidential.
Category: Business Management
Keywords: document destruction,paper shredding,business,society,data management,information technology,service