How Channels Help You Find Local News and Gossip You Want

You\’re now going to have a powerful app to bring you all the local news and local gossip you could possibly handle (while still actively being a productive part of the human race). Sometimes, though, that\’s just a little too much power…even for your ambitious self. What if want to take all of that local news and gossip and find out just what happened outside of your job this morning with the crazy clown being chased by cops? Great question. We\’d also love to know what the deal was with the clown. Enter the Zipper app channels and dial in the local news that you need or want. So how do the channels work?

Well there\’s not a clown channel…yet but you the channels do give you some quick ways to narrow down all that local gold to more what you\’re interested in (for this minute anyway). We have some basic channels built into the Zipper right out of the package so to speak. Let\’s first look at these to show you want you can do with channels. First, understand that Channels are different from Locations. You also have a Location dial you fine tune for your local area, your high school, your current area (if traveling) not to mention the private channels you create for you and friends. Location is different from channels.

Same of the core channels you\’ll find right away are News, Gossip, Traffic, Deals, Music, Eats, and others. Right away, you get a sense that the Channels allow you to narrowcast the available local news by certain categories. For example, in the case of the crazed clown caper (that\’s alliteration for yah), the \”News\” channel is probably going to be the best bet unless that same crazed clown led a high speed car chase and wrecked a few intersections. You may then find it in Traffic. Crazy clowns and their crazy ways.

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