No Mistakes in Window Replacement Measurements

One of the steps in window replacement is measuring. It may seem very easy but it is one of the most common sources of errors. A single mistake may give you additional tasks such as glass cutting when you should already be installing the replacement. Other times, it may require you to buy a new set of glass panes and this may hurt your pocket. Certainly, you cannot afford a single mistake when measuring for replacement for windows. Here are ways and tips on how to do it right.

What to Replace?

Before measuring for a window replacement, you need to identify if you want to replace only the panes or you want to replace the frames as well. The latter may be expensive so it is a good choice if your windows are too old that the frames are already damaged.

Is the Replacement Available?

You should also know that not all sizes are readily available. Sometimes, you may need to wait for a few days or more than a week before you can get the exact size that you need. This is also the reason why measuring should be done before removing your window. You can avoid leaving your window widely open.

What to Measure?

When measuring for windows, you need to determine the following:
– Width
– Depth
– Height

It is best to measure the width at three points – the two sides and the middle. Most of the times, there are slight differences on the measurement. This may be a very little difference but it can cause a problem later when taken for granted. The height should also be measured on both sides and at the centre. The depth is then measured from the outside blind stop to the inner blind stop. The standard depth for windows is 3

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