Two Health Issues That Plague Men

There are some diseases or medical problems that are unique to men and women. Here are details about two such problems or conditions that are exclusive to men.

Health Issues Regarding The Prostate

A part of man’s sexual organ, the work of the prostate is to secrete semen that contains sperm and other fluids. Generally the problems of the prostate are seen in men who are over 50 and rarely in younger men. One of the problems they face is prostatitis or an inflamed prostate. The first symptom of this problem is a burning sensation while urinating or going to the bathroom frequently. In some cases, the person suffering has a fever or feels tired for no reason. This inflammation can happen for many reasons but in most cases, it happens when the organ is fighting germs or recovering from an injury.

Bacterial attack is most common in cases of an inflamed prostate and you have to give your urine for testing to detect the presence of bacteria. In most cases, an antibiotic can help you fight this. If bacteria are not found, a healthcare workers checks to see if you have other urinary problems, and if nothing is found, the condition is considered nonbacterial prostatitis.

Another problem of the prostate that bothers older men is an enlarged prostate. It is a very common problem because the prostate grows with age and at this older age, it sometimes becomes so large that it squeezes the urethra that carries urine from bladder. The results include having the urge to go to the bathroom several times, especially during the night.

Once there, men find it hard to urinate and have a little amount of urine each time. But that irritating urge to urinate remains; sometime even after they have finished urinating. It is not a serious medical issue as such, but still men should regularly go for check up once they hit their 50’s because if left untreated, the problem can lead to other problems like a kidney stone or urinary tract infection. The doctor, after a thorough inspection, may advise you to wait and watch because in the early stage, pills can help, and men have to learn to live with the problem. If it becomes worse, then the doctors may advise surgical or nonsurgical procedures to remove parts of the prostate.

The health issues with the prostate are almost inevitable as a part of aging. Still, men can prevent its worst forms by going for regular checkups as they age and by leading a healthy lifestyle. Exercising regularly is one way to control the size and growth of the prostate.

Male Pattern Baldness

Hair loss happens to men and women, but when male pattern baldness strikes a man, the hairs that are lost are not replaced and slowly bald areas spread in the head. This problem is again unique to men and can strike any man between the ages of 20 to 45. If at this age, you are losing your scalp hair, then chances are you have male pattern baldness. But don’t worry; you are not alone. Science says that men are genetically predisposed to male pattern baldness. Testosterone, the male hormone can be blamed for this in a way as an enzyme, 5-alpha reductase convert it to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which adversely affect the hair follicles leading to baldness.

While men can’t do anything about it medically, they can keep a watch if they have excessive hair fall especially in the scalp area or go for cosmetic treatments like hair transplant.

Author Bio: For more information please visit our OSHA Training and First Aid Training websites.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: dihydrotestosterone,sexual organ,medical problems ,Plague Men

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