Menopause: The Dreaded Word For Women

We all know that we have to age someday and that aging will bring changes in our body. But one part of aging that many women dread is menopause. If you are approaching that age, and already dreading it, here is some information which can help you out:

What Is Menopause?

Simply put, menopause is the stopping of menstruation. Women are born with a definite number of eggs in their ovaries and as they age, those eggs get depleted and at a certain age, the ovaries start to reduce the amount of hormones produced that helps in the release of these eggs and consequent menstrual cycle or pregnancy. That triggers menopause and after that, women can’t conceive anymore.

Does It Start In A Day?

Actually, it doesn’t. Your body will give you enough notice to alert you that you are approaching menopause. These experiences are called “perimenopause”. It starts some years before actual menopause. In most cases, the health problems women face in the perimenopause stage as well as with the starting of menopause, is clubbed together as menopausal health problems.

What Are The Symptoms?

The symptoms differ from woman to woman. The way your friend is facing her menopause may not be the way you will. One of the most common symptoms is the change in the menstrual cycle. It can be more than normal or may become irregular. If the blood flow has also changed drastically in older women especially those in their 40’s, they should go for checkup to confirm whether they are heading towards menopause or not. Other symptoms include hot flashes, weight gain, sweats, insomnia, memory problem, mood swings, dry eyes, and vaginal dryness.

Will All These Happen To Me?

As said before, the symptoms are different for every woman. Your lifestyle, genetics, diet even cultural attitude will affect how you are facing this change in life.

How Can I Treat It?

Science has progressed so much that it is possible to treat this natural process of aging. Hormone Replacement Therapy is the most common treatment but since it was introduced, new research show that the synthetic hormones used can lead to breast cancer or heart diseases in women. So go for this treatment only if it is necessary.

There are other natural ways you can treat it. The first and most important is changing your lifestyle and diet. Don’t include foods that are high in caffeine, like carbonated beverages, too much in your daily diet. Limit the amount of sugar you are taking in, and increase the intake of items that are rich in phytoestrogen. These include whole grains, brown rice, tofu, fresh fruits and vegetables.

How Should I Deal With It?

Your attitude towards menopause will be tuned by the culture and the society you live in. Since it means loss of youth and reproductive capacity, in societies where youth is worshipped, menopause is seen as a dreaded thing. Women fear their life is over once they reach this stage. But that is an attitude that needs changing. It is a time to embrace life with vigor. You should not stop doing what you loved the most nor should you shy away from relationships just because you are going through menopause. Like the onset of puberty opened a new chapter in your life, your menopause should do the same and not close the book of life.

Author Bio: For more information please visit our OSHA Training and First Aid Training websites.

Category: Womens Interest
Keywords: caffeine,perimenopause,menstruation,Menopause

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