Commercial Picnic Table Case Study-Wood Leaf Subdivision

The Wood Leaf Community in San Antonio is a subdivision of 526 single family homes. A small community center resides within the subdivision, consisting of a set of tennis courts, a swimming pool, and a picnic area. Six commercial picnic tables with benches are situated throughout the picnic area, with two of the tables housed under gazebos, and the other four tables open to the air, surrounding the perimeter of the swimming pool.

The original tables had both wooden tops and wooden seats, which eventually led to ongoing, costly repairs.

Over the course of 10 years, the four uncovered picnic tables had suffered extreme damage resulting from vandalism and wear and tear. Because the tables were very light, young vandals had occasionally picked them up and tossed them in the pool. Wind and rain had also done their share of damage over the years. The wood became weathered, scratchy, and full of splinters.

Associated Management, which was the agency responsible for Wood Leaf, had to repair each of the four commercial picnic tables with benches at intervals of two years. The cost of each individual repair was estimated at $150.00 per job. Boards in the tables had to be replaced with each repair, and one table had so badly fallen apart that it was determined to be beyond repair. Associated Management had to pay for this table to be removed, and at that point, determined that the ongoing repair was no longer workable.

After a decade of repair work, it was estimated that ongoing maintenance had cost the organization at least $3,000.00. The decision was made to replace the wooden tables with sturdier metal picnic tables.

Equipment at a Glance
The rectangular, expanded metal picnic table features a thermoplastic cover that is weather resistant. It is also resistant to vandalism because the thermoplastic, if cut or scratched, can easily be resealed with a heat gun. These commercial picnic tables with benches are considerably heavier than their wooden equivalents. They can be mounted to concrete, mounted in the ground, or chained to a structure. Six foot tables provided ample seating for up to 8 persons at a time, and the forest green color provided an ideal aesthetic compliment to the lawn, gazebos, and nearby pool and tennis courts.

Associated Management determined that the only way to eliminate this costly, ongoing repair cost was to replace their wooden tables with metal commercial picnic tables with benches. After researching the many options within this product category, they chose the Rectangular Expanded Metal Picnic Table available through XPB Locker.

The decision was also made to replace all six tables to keep the aesthetic of the grounds consistent.

XPB Locker was chosen as a vendor for three reasons. One, their price was more competitive than other online vendors. Secondly, they offered less expensive shipping rates. Thirdly, their proximity to San Antonio allowed them to perform a turnkey solution for the community.

The new, metal commercial picnic tables with benches shipped to the community center and mounted in the same positions as their predecessors. The two tables mounted under the gazebos were mounted directly to the concrete slabs beneath the covers.

The other four tables were configured with portable mounting. While far too heavy for vandals to move as they had the previous pieces, they were secured to nearby shade trees with chains to deter any potential (though unlikely) act of theft.

The residents of Wood Leaf immediately took to their new commercial picnic tables with benches as a vast improvement over the previous wooden equivalents. Feedback has indicated that residents find them far more attractive and comfortable than the splintering wood they previously had to endure. The new look they have created has improved the aesthetic of the entire community center.

Author Bio: XPB Locker. Read more about Commercial Picnic Table Case Study. picnic tables. round angle iron picnic table.

Category: Advice
Keywords: Round Angle Iron Picnic Table, Picnic Tables, Residential Picnic Tables, Metal Picnic Tables

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