When to Call the Termite Inspector

If you are thinking about putting off a call to the exterminators before purchasing a new home, think again. The last thing you want in your dream home is a colony of termites, and if you go through with the purchase without first discovering an infestation you may end up paying money for the house that need not have been spent. If you purchase a termite problem along with a new house, it will be you who pays for the Orkin treatments and you will not be able to negotiate a discounted rate due to the discovery.

After spending months searching for the perfect home, you may think you have found it only to discover too late that it is home to quite a few termites, who love living with you and your family as they cause expensive damage to the home support structure. This is not a scenario that anyone wants to deal with instead, simply call an inspector before signing any papers. Making this one little phone call can make quite a difference if a problem does not exists, and will create peace of mind if there turns out to be no such problem. If you do not call an inspector, you and your family may be living with a termite infestation for quite a long time before it makes itself known.

There may be termites present in the areas outside the property as well, and an inspector can go over the land to determine whether the home requires extra protection from termites. If there is an infestation in a wood pile in the backyard, for example, steps can be taken to protect the home from these pests. If there is a problem present in the wooden structure of the home, an inspector will be able to tell you what steps need to be taken. And by discovering the process before the home is transferred into your name, you will be able to negotiate a lower price for it to make up for the damages that you will in turn have to remedy.

Unfortunately, termites make no distinction between the wood found in the forest and that used to build your home. By creating a colony in or close to your home, they may devour the home’s structure in no time at all. These irritating pests feed on wooden substances, and they never stop until their colony has been destroyed. Spraying for termites would not remedy the problem unless the colony itself is destroyed. Otherwise, the queen will continue to reproduce, replacing those termites killed by poison sprays.

When dealing with termites, it is important to ask a professional to step in. If you try to handle the problem on your own, you may think you have dealt with it, only to find that it has simply moved to escape your notice growing larger all the while. Because colonies can grow to house hundreds of thousands of termites in no time at all, it is important to have any home inspected on a regular basis. Remember; do not purchase a new home without having it properly inspected for termites.

Author Bio: Chuck R. Stewart is a writer who frequently writes on the topic of exterminators and bug infestation. He often writes aboutOrkin and other types of products to exterminate bugs.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: exterminators,Orkin

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