Preparing A House For A Showing

Showing your house off to potential buyers is never an easy task, because everybody is unique in what they are looking for during their individual search. There is no magic wand, but there are certain things that you can do to help make your home stand out from the competition.

Firstly, try looking at your home from a different perspective. De-clutter, which basically means that you should find cupboard space for stuff lying about. It is actually a really good time to decide what you wish to pack and move to your next abode.

If you\’re like me, I quite often think that I should keep something just because it might come in handy in the future. I have realised that over the years it does not often serve any use apart from cluttering up my shelves or draws.

Clear lines around the house are appealing to any potential buyer, because it helps them see the size of the house and what it may look like if they moved in. It will make a maybe smaller room appear bigger if you don\’t have too much furniture in it. Although you do not want to go crazy and make the house look unlived in. You may also need to rearrange your furniture to show the rooms at their best. Move it around and you may find spots for your sofa or coffee table that you hadn\’t thought of. You\’ll be surprised with the results!

Paint work need not be changed unless you have extremely bold colours. If you have any really dark paintwork then it\’s a good idea to brighten those areas with something that isn\’t noticed as much, like hints of colours. This isn\’t a big factor with potential buyers, more often than not people generally paint once they move in. So don\’t go decorating every room, I can guarantee that it won\’t be suitable for everyone. Pictures on the walls always makes the house look more appealing, but don\’t go overboard either.

Before a viewing you should brew some coffee or bake something. I have been told that smells, like coffee and bread etc are lovely aromas to leave in your home prior to the viewing. Did you know that supermarkets pump out smells of bread and cakes to make you buy their produce? It certainly happens in the UK. I used to work for a huge supermarket chain and I was amazed that not all their stores had bakeries, but they all smelt like they did!

With all of this being said, it won\’t be the only factor in selling your house, but make sure you don\’t have any nasty odours lingering about that can put people off. Pets are quite often a problem and aren\’t always noticed by us when we live with them 24/7.

Whatever you do, don\’t forget to make sure that the exterior of your house is in reasonable to good repair. Paint work that is flaking is never a good first impression. Any decked areas should be kept tidy too, along with your yard.

Author Bio: Bruce Annis is a realtor in Halifax Nova Scotia and specialises in houses for sale in Halifax. utilises software to allow access to the MLS listings for the whole of the greater Halifax area.

Category: Real Estate
Keywords: houses for sale, home staging

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