Having Babies Sometimes Need Medical Intervention

It is the right of every couple to be able to hold a child in their arms at some time in their lives. Unfortunately, for some people, this proves to be extremely difficult so they turn to doctors to work out the problem. For those who want to check out what clinics can do, look for ‘IVF’ or ‘infertility’ to see which specialists operate in this particular area.

The one thing that people should know when they have to follow this route to have a child is that it is not simple. There will be hormone injections, personal questions to be answered and a whole lot of investigations to go through before the couple will be offered in vitro fertilization. Indeed, so tough does the battle get at times that couples split up with the pressure. It is important then that all couples note that this is a battle royal to get that bouncing bundle of joy in their arms.

It is the man who will be investigated first since his is the simplest system to check over. Everything about his reproductive system is on the outside of his body so it is very simple to check him over. He may well be told something as simple as to wear loose underwear to encourage pregnancy since this area does not produce enough sperm if it is too hot. By cooling the area, sperm become stronger and more abundant and this may be all that is needed to get the desired effect.

If this does not work, the woman will have to undergo a whole raft of tests to see if she is producing eggs regularly, if they are viable, and if they are ending up where they should. Of course, her reproductive system is a whole lot more complicated and it may take some microscopic surgery to check on the internal workings etc. to see if anything is blocked. Sometimes fallopian tubes can be cleared of scarring, but if this is not possible, then the in vitro route may be the only way to go. The woman will be given drugs to stimulate egg production, often administered by her or her partner, and she will go through an uncomfortable time until egg harvesting is done. Once she is ready for harvesting, she will be taken in to hospital and the doctors will use fine tubes to pluck the eggs from her. When they can see that they are viable, they will mix these with the sperm until they are fertilized. This act will then produce embryos which are placed back into her womb in the hope that she will retain a pregnancy.

Because this is quite an expensive procedure, more than one egg is normally inserted into the womb, and any excess embryos are frozen for future attempts. However, it is important to note that multiple births are now frowned upon so a woman can expect a maximum of two babies on any one attempt. Any more than that, the woman and babies is put at risk.

Stewart Wrighter has been researching IVF Hamilton Ontario in order to write an article about it for a major news magazine. His sister searched the term infertility Hamilton Ontario to learn more about treatment options.

For more information about IVF go to
http://www.onefertility.com/ .

Author Bio: Stewart Wrighter has been researching IVF Hamilton Ontario in order to write an article about it for a major news magazine. His sister searched the term infertility Hamilton Ontario to learn more about treatment options.

Category: Medical Business
Keywords: IVF Hamilton Ontario,infertility Hamilton Ontario

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