Impotence Erectile Dysfunction – Major Causes

Impotence, or erectile dysfunction, is also called as ED, the inability to sustain an erection for suitable sexual activity. It is important to distinguish erectile dysfunction from other issues that can interfere with males\’ sexual experiences, such as the absence of sexual need (decreased libido) and problems with ejaculatory dysfunction. This article focuses on the evaluation of erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction (ED) varies in harshness; some men are not able to attain an erection and some have a conflicting capability to achieve an erection, and still some can maintain only short erections. The variation in harshness of impotence or Sexual dysfunction makes difficult to estimate its effects. Lots of men are unwilling to talk about impotence sexual dysfunction with their doctors because of shame and, therefore, the state is under-diagnosed.

Nevertheless, experts have determined that impotence, or Sexual dysfunction, affects many people all over the world. While impotence or Sexual dysfunction, may occur at any age, it is rare among young men and mostly happens in the aged. At the age of 45, many men have experienced impotence, or Sexual dysfunction, in some of the rarest cases. According to the Massachusetts man age Study, total impotence increased from 5% between men 40 years of age to 15% between men 70 years and above. People studies carried out in the Netherlands indicate that some level of impotence, or Sexual dysfunction, occurs in 20% of men between the ages of 50-54, and in 50% of men between the ages of 70-78. In 1999, the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey calculated 1,520,000 hospitals visits for Sexual dysfunction. Other studies have shown that about 35% of men between the ages of 40-70 years suffer from modest to severe ED, and the remaining 15% may have milder forms of ED.

The ordinary danger factors for impotence, or Sexual dysfunction, include the following: Shorter life span, Cardiovascular sickness, Sugar mellitus, High cholesterol, Cigarette smoke, Recreational medicine use, Despair or other psychiatric disease etc. Penises have two chambers known as corpora and cavernosa, which run through the length of upper side of the penis. The urethra is the channel for urine and ejaculation runs with the underside of the corpora and cavernosa. Filling the corpora and cavernosa are soft tissues consisting of soft muscles, rubbery tissues, seats, veins, and arteries. A membrane, called the tunica albuginea, covers the corpora and cavernosa. Veins situated in the tunica albuginea contain blood that flows through the penis. Impotence erectile dysfunction begins with sexual stimulation. It can be physically stimulating (rubbing the penis) or imaginary (having sexual thoughts in the mind).

Sexual stimulation or sexual arousal generates electric impulses with nerves departing to the penis and affect the nerves to free the nitric oxide, which increases the making of cyclic GMP (cGMP) in the soft muscle cells of the corpora and cavernosa. The cGMP cause the soft muscles of the corpora and cavernosa to unwind and permit rapid blood flow into the penis. The blood that fills the corpora and cavernosa enlarges the penis. The forces on the erect penis put pressure on the veins (vessels through which blood flows in the penis) in the tunica albuginea and traps the blood in the corpora and cavernosa. This decreases the erection. Erectile dysfunction is reversed when cGMP levels in the corpora and cavernosa decrease. This causes the muscles of the corpora and cavernosa to capture the blood flow and create a chasm in the veins. The veins drain blood from the penis. The cGMP levels in the corpora and cavernosa drop as it is shattered by the enzyme called PDE5 or phosphodiesterase type 5.

About the Author:
Impotence erectile dysfunction
Before choosing a method of treatment for impotence, one has to determine the reason for the impotence, because the method of treatment depends on the cause of the problem.
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Click here for for Impotence treatments

Author Bio: About the Author:
Impotence erectile dysfunction
Before choosing a method of treatment for impotence, one has to determine the reason for the impotence, because the method of treatment depends on the cause of the problem.
Click here for Impotence treatments

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Erectile dysfunction in young men, Erectile dysfunction medication, Erectile dysfunction pills, Erec

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