How To Build A Patio

Having a patio in you house is a luxury. It is like having nature right in your house where you can meander in its beauty and just drown from its wide array of peace and tranquility. By definition of a patio, it is a Spanish word meaning a back garden or a roofless inner courtyard in a Spanish or Spanish-American house. Os what are we waiting for? Here are some tips on how to build a patio.

First thing you need to do like many other construction projects is to lay the foundation of your patio. The foundation should be stable so that the slabs will not crack due to the instability of the foundation. A secured foundation means the patio will last its beauty for years. The first thing you should do before proceeding to this step is to mark out your desired patio area; this should be done already in your planning, the place where your patio will go and what is the specific size of it. If you have not done this then you should do this first before anything else. Bear in mind that you don\’t really want to be cutting any paving slabs yourself as this can be problematic when you have not planned for the desired area. Try to size your patio to match whole slabs to avoid this problem.

The next stage is leveling, after you have establish the place of your patio you need to level it by digging 6 inches and then heap it with hardcore to a depth of 4 inches. Make sure the hardcore are level throughout your patio. You can use wood or timber to clout the hardcore until all areas are level. You can also use a compactor which is easier to do than a piece of wood or timber.

Next to this is framing which not really necessary but you can do so by using threaded wood to ensure that the patio does not shift in time. The next activity is the laying of slabs. You will not encounter a problem in laying the slab when you have a great foundation, so make sure you have a good foundation. Upon positioning of the slab of the slab in your area, you can redesign it to your likings and then you can proceed to the next phase which is adding mortar to your slabs. Apply 2cm of mortar and then put your slab, make sure that you do not make too much water so that it will not be sloppy. Use rubber mallets to press it, in positioning your first slab make sure you do it perfectly as it will create more problems if you made a mistake on the first one that you laid.

With your first slab in place continue to lay mortar and place further slabs working from your first slab, using spacers as you go to ensure homogenous gaps. Use your spirit level perpetually to ensure your patio remains straight across its width and that the slight drop away from the house is maintained as the patio is laid. Leave it for 24 to 48 hours before doing your finishing touch of cleaning. Enjoy your new patio.

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Category: Home Management
Keywords: How To Build A Patio

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