Stability Ball Workouts

To have a muscular well toned body that gives you great confidence in your self and makes you feel on top of the world, you needn’t go to the gym. Going to the gym can often be a very expensive option. Going to the gym and exercising there can also be very time consuming. Instead, you could do some stability ball exercises. These stability ball exercises are commonly followed at boot camp programs to give the body a good shape and also to tone up the muscles.

In order to develop a great body with a stability ball, all you need, besides the stability ball, is a mat and perhaps a dumbbell or a medicine ball weighing 4 to 5 pounds. You just have to do some core exercises that develop your back muscles, abs and the abdominal muscles.

Exercise for back extension

This is an excellent exercise to develop your back muscles. People join boot camps to do these exercises. You can do these exercises easily at home. This is how you do it.

Incline your self over the ball in such a way that only the hips and the lower torso are in touch with the ball. The knees can be bent or straight. You body bends over the ball on the floor. Now place your hands behind your head and straighten your knees. Also, gradually lift your upper torso to bring it in line with the rest of the body. Your body is touching the ball and making an acute angle with ground or the floor. In the ideal position, your back, shoulder, neck and head should be in a straight line. In this exercise your abs are pulled out without putting too much strain on your back. Repeat this exercise about 12 to 15 times.

Doing push-ups on a stability ball

This an excellent exercise with the stability ball to develop your arm and shoulder muscles. You need nothing more than a stability ball for this routine.

Place your body on the ball with the arms holding you up and resting on the ground. The ideal and the most convenient position would be to have the abdomen on the ball and the feet on the ground. With the hands push yourself forward so that you move forward and have your thighs on the ball. By bending your elbows bring in your navel towards the spine. This is the position where you do your push- ups.

Bend your elbow so that the upper part of the body comes as near as possible to the floor. Keep the body in that position for 3 seconds and then push back the upper part so that the elbows become straight but are not interlocked. Your head must be in line with the spine. Repeat this exercise initially 5 times. But later you should repeat it 15 times.

The seated wall roll

This exercise is to keep your buttocks and hamstring in proper shape.

Stand near a wall with your back to it. The feet should be kept apart. The ideal width between the feet should equal the width of your shoulder. Now hold the ball between the wall and your lower back. Then gradually lower your self down to a squatting position. As a result the ball should now be somewhere near your neck. In the squatting position your knees should be making a forty degrees angle. Now return to your original position Repeat this exercise 5 or six times slowly increasing it to 10 or 15 times

If you would like to register for a Cronulla Boot Camp or if you\’d like bootcamps free trial, visit Bootcamp Sydney.

If you would like to register for a Cronulla Boot Camp or if you\’d like bootcamps free trial, visit Bootcamp Sydney.

Author Bio: If you would like to register for a Cronulla Boot Camp or if you\’d like bootcamps free trial, visit Bootcamp Sydney.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Cronulla Boot Camp

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