Keeping Fresh Food Safe in Purpose Built Cartons

With any company which is handling edible products, it is vital that they are packed away properly in things like corrugated boxes etc. to keep them fresh. Food packaging is quite a specialist subject and, depending on what is to be carried, there are several different kinds of carton which should be used to keep the goods edible.

For example, any bird product which is being transported has to be chilled or frozen. Chickens, and birds of this nature, are notoriously renowned for harboring salmonella or some other kind of food poisoning bug. Outbreaks of this can be avoided, of course, but it does mean some very careful handling by those companies which kill and clean the birds. For example, the bird itself must be packed in its own bag and tied off. Then it can be packed with other birds in a carton that has a wax coating too so that no drips are allowed to escape. The carton itself must be extremely strong since it will probably hold at least six birds and then it will have to be stacked and transported long distances to its destination. All this has to be done within a day or two of the bird being killed.

For wet fish and lobsters etc. too, this is a very similar process but the goods will probably have to be packed on ice which means that the cartons have to be extremely tough. Although the whole thing will be chilled down to the point where the ice will not melt so quickly, it is obvious that the cartons have to be waterproof otherwise they will just disintegrate before too long.

Having handling instructions printed on the carton is vital for the end users so that they know what to do with the product when it arrives. For example, it may well have to be consumed by a certain date, or not refrozen once the melting process has begun. Either way, this should be on the carton so no one is in any doubt. On the carton too should be details of the company so that anyone who wants to make repeat orders has all this information at their fingertips. Companies which produce the cartons also have designers who can work out what looks best and will certainly offer discounts for large orders. Some also hold onto the bulk of the order too so that the buyer can just use what it needs without worrying about storing empty cartons.

It is also a good idea to put any special offers on these cartons too so that anyone who comes into contact with them has a chance to view the advert. This is particularly appropriate when the cartons are being sent to chains of restaurants etc across the country and it saves on any other form of advertising. Indeed, it is this kind of branding which makes goods very familiar to the public so this side of buying cartons is well worth looking into. Some will only need a basic logo; this is how popular some brands have become!

Author Stewart Wrighter writes about food packaging and other forms of packaging. He searched the term corrugated boxes to find a company in his area.

For more information about food packaging go to .

Author Bio: Author Stewart Wrighter writes about food packaging and other forms of packaging. He searched the term corrugated boxes to find a company in his area.

Category: Business
Keywords: Food Packaging,Corrugated Boxes

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