The Significance Of The Lotus Flower In Thailand And Asia

Thailand is dominated by Buddhism. In fact, 95% of Thais belong to the Theravada Buddhism. The remaining 5% are scattered for other Buddhist sects and other religious denominations like Protestant and Catholics. Religion is the reason why lotus is a significant flower in Thailand.

According to historical accounts of Gautama Buddha, he used to compare the human heart with a lotus flower. According to his predicament, a lotus bud resembles a heart that is not yet enlightened. On the other hand, a lotus flower in full blossom is like an enlightened heart.

There are also legends that depict Buddha as being able to create lotus blooms everywhere he steps. This ancient religious belief or folklore to some can also be pointed out as to why lotus is such a significant flower in Thailand. Roam around the country and you will always see Buddha statues and images seated with a lotus flower. In general, the lotus flower symbolizes purity of the body, heart and mind.

The lotus flower is also a significant part of the Hindu culture and religion. In India, the lotus flower is heavily associated with Hindu divinities like Vishnu, Lakshmi, and Sarasvati. Of these three divinities, Vishnu is the most prominent to be associated with the lotus flower. She is often referred to as the Lotus One Eyed. Her statues and images are always depicted holding a lotus – much like how Buddha is depicted. For this reason, Vishnu is often regarded as a counterpart of Buddha. Other lesser Hindu divinities associated with lotus flower include Ganga and Ganesha. The extensive linkage of lotus to Hindu religion is greatly supported by similarly extensive citation of lotus in Puranic and Vedic literatures.

Countries that also exercise Buddhism and Hinduism have also their own shares of reverence to the lotus flower.

Lotus flower is known by many names such as Indian Lotus, Bean Of India, or Sacred Lotus. All of these alternative names have association with religion or with the place it is highly revered. By scientific classification, lotus flower is known as Nelumbo nucifera.

Aside from cultural and religious significance, the lotus flower is also significant it her Asian countries because of its wide uses. The seed heads of lotus flower is widely sold and utilized for decorations. All of its parts are edible – one main reason why it has its place in Chinese cuisines. The Chinese and Vietnamese use its dried stamens to add scent to tea leaves. The seeds can either be dried or eaten like popcorn. Its seeds can be turned into paste and be used as a main ingredient of moon cakes.

Lotus flower has also a significant role in the production of the lotus robe. In the Inle Lake of Myanmar (Burma), townspeople utilize the fibers of lotus flower to make a special fabric to create kya thingahn or garment that clothes Buddha images.

With all of the aforementioned linkages of the lotus flower in religion, culture, crafts, and cuisine – it is truly a flower that can be regarded as both sacred and significant.

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