Many Thai Teenagers Get Pregnant On Valentine\’s Day

Teenage pregnancy is a worldwide social issue that certainly needs to be properly dealt with. Statistically speaking, the problem accounts for 13 million cases yearly. This is according to the report of the international NGO, Save the Children.

In Thailand Valentine\’s Day is just as big, or even bigger than Valentine\’s Day in the west. Thai people of all ages will give flowers and gifts to their partners just as they do in other countries. Bangkok flowers delivery companies are overwhelmed with orders for flower delivery at these times.

In Thailand, there were similar reports that shocked the entire country. The 2011 Valentines\’ Day sparked numerous debates on the declining moral values of teenagers, particularly with regards to sex.

There was a previous statistics that revealed one in every six females would give in to the urge of engaging in sexual activities when asked by their partners. This was even intensified with the release of a report from the World Health Organization (WHO) that placed Thailand in the 2nd spot of countries with the highest cases of teenage pregnancy. The same study showed that 70 out of 1000 Thai women aged 15-19 has already experienced pregnancy. This figure is 14 unique cases higher than the average 56 out of 1000 in most Asian countries.

Several reports have also revealed that there are male teenagers in Thailand who would dare to have sex with prostitutes during Valentine\’s Day. Although, the case is not directly linked to teenage pregnancy, it is quite an associated factor with teenage fatherhood. This common practice among male Thai teenagers is also a direct contributor to the growing cases of sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs).

Another factor that contributes to the growing cases of teenage pregnancy during Valentine\’s Day is unsafe sex. Most teenagers who engage in Valentine\’s sex do it without protection. Beneath the high and conservative profile of the Thai society, teenage pregnancy is one of the most difficult problems faced by its leaders. It is not just the declining moral of the youth that they have to deal with. There is also a wide variety of problems stemming from teenage pregnancy.

According to media reports, one problem commonly linked to teenage pregnancy is abortion. In Thailand, a study revealed that 25% of women admitted to hospitals due to cases of induced abortions were students. Another associated problem with teenage pregnancy in Thailand is the alarming increase in the cases of teenage unemployment. Due to early responsibilities of fatherhood and motherhood, most are compelled to leave schooling until such time their tummies are stable. Then of course, different financial problems may eventually spawn from unemployment. Frequent quarreling over simple things may also occur between partners.

The media reports in Thailand about teenage pregnancy are disturbing since there are some facts presented that teenagers there are commonly practicing Valentine\’s sex. Imagine how these teenagers suffer a lifetime of misery in exchange for a day or night of lust.

Officials have urged Thai teenagers not to get carried away at Valentines Day. Flowers and romance in Thailand are all very well but there are also many single mothers struggling to support their children by themselves.

Next, find out more on why many Thai teenagers get pregnant on Valentine’s Day!

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Category: Womens Interest
Keywords: Many Thai Teenagers Get Pregnant On Valentine\\\’s Day

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