Used and Refurbished Computers: Buying Tips

Today, people buying computers have many options to choose from. Ideally, one should buy a new computer but this is not always necessary. Depending on the activities you engage in, a used computer could actually be all you need and buying one could save you a lot of money. For a sizeable number of computer users, a refurbished computer could also be all they need. Most refurbished computers are actually as good as new – the only reason they are not sold as new is that they have been used elsewhere but have since been returned to the selling or producing company and have been confirmed to be in good condition.

Granted, buying anything used has never been easy and this also true for computers. Should you decide to save money by buying a computer that is either used or refurbished, there are several factors you need to take into consideration. Perhaps the greatest reason why people like to buy new products is the fact that such products come with a manufacturer’s warranty. When buying old or refurbished computers, make sure that they come with a warranty. This is one good way to test the reliability of the seller. Moreover, the seller’s warranty should cover a reasonable period of time and sellers whose warranties run just a few months are best avoided.

Whether old or refurbished, the computer you purchase should be upgradable. It is easy to overlook this when purchasing but it is always important to remember that your needs could increase substantially over a very short period of time. If you are unable to upgrade, you will be forced to buy another computer. Like all returned goods, computers that have been used elsewhere could have been returned with some defects. The computer should be checked for physical defects. These are easy to verify but if you are not a technical person, you might be unable to tell where you are being tricked. The internal components, including the memory and the processor need to be verified and, whenever in doubt, you should seek professional help.

An important factor to take to consideration before making a purchase concerns the computer’s operating system. Some operating systems require authentication certificates and licenses and it is important to confirm that these have been transferred from the previous owner to you. The level of support available is also an important consideration in the purchase of all used products and applies to computers as well. Should the seller be offering onsite services, find out the times when such services are provided. Should the seller be operating service centers, find out if there is one such center near you.

Finally, computer brand might not be a very important consideration as each brand has both strengths and weaknesses. However, it is prudent to go for the more established brands and especially those that you have experience working with in the past. Popular brands also tend to have more readily available parts and technicians. So, do a search online.

Stewart Wrighter has been searching online for a refurbished computer that his son can take to college. He purchased a used computer for his children to use at home.

For more information on refurbished computers go to .

Author Bio: Stewart Wrighter has been searching online for a refurbished computer that his son can take to college. He purchased a used computer for his children to use at home.

Category: Business
Keywords: refurbished computer,used computer

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