Toy Safety – How Do I Know My Child Is Safe With This Toy?

Toys have been a part of almost everyone’s life, especially for kids. In the past, choosing the toys for kids was just a very easy task to do but at present, things are completely different. If you have seen on the televisions or read on newspapers, there are a lot of toys that have been recalled, confiscated and banned because they are said to be harmful for kids. This is basically why you need to make sure that the toys that you are going to purchase for your child is really safe for him/her. But how would you be able to determine if a toy is safe for your child or not? Here are some information and tips to help you determine such matter.

First of all, you have to be aware that there is a specific law that’s dedicated for toy safety related issues. The Consumer product safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) is the law that was put into effect by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission in February 2009 which is mainly about monitoring and regulating toys. With this law, toys that have more than 0.1 percent of phthalates and more than 600 parts per million of lead are not allowed. The toys that have more than the allowed amount of such chemicals can be harmful to kids, those who are 12 years old and below in particular. This is why starting the year 2010, toy manufacturers were mandated to test their products first to see if their products are able to meet the set standards. Toys that were released before 2010 that are already in the market but were not able to meet the standards were recalled.

Because you are already aware of the allowed phthalate and lead contents for children’s toys, you should check if a particular toy was able to meet the standards. You also need to check on the labels because that’s where you can get some of the most important information about the toy like the manufacturer, materials used and the appropriate age group that it is suitable for. So if the label says that the toy is for toddlers, you should not purchase it for your infant. For every age group, there are specific types of toys that perfectly fit.

The quality and durability of the toy should also be looked into. Aside from the fact that you will be able to save a couple of bucks for long lasting toys, you can also ensure the safety of your child considering that he/she may swallow small parts of the toy when it gets broken. For infants and toddlers, it is even recommended that the toys are big enough that they can’t be placed inside the mouth.

Therefore, if a particular toy is able to meet the standards set by the government and it is suitable for the age group that your child belongs, the toy is safe for your child. Looking for this type of toys may require you to spend more time and effort but it would all be worth it.

Melody N. Andes enjoys writing for which sells waiting room toys and kids wall decals as well as a host of additional products.

Melody N. Andes enjoys writing for which sells waiting room toys and kids wall decals as well as a host of additional products.

Author Bio: Melody N. Andes enjoys writing for which sells waiting room toys and kids wall decals as well as a host of additional products.

Category: Parenting
Keywords: toy safety,product safety,consumer product safety,regulating toys,product safety commission

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