Malaysia Property – How Online Property Portals Increase Your Chances of Selling

For some of us, we will probably come to a time to upgrade to a new home due to several factors. If you are unfamiliar with selling your property, you may leverage the expertise that is already available in HomeGuru, a Malaysia property portal.

Selling a property can be a very daunting task especially when you are new to the property market. First, you will need to determine the appropriate selling price for your property. You can get an estimation of your property market price from people around you such as neighbours, family members and friends; or you can always seek the help of an experienced property valuator. Through online Malaysia property portal sites, you can easily find an evaluator of your choice who can help you to estimate the price of your property in the market.

The next step is to start planning out your marketing strategy. How are you going to advertise your home? Which medium will be the best for you to reach out to the potential buyers? When you use the service of professionals and real estate agents on Malaysia property sites likes HomeGuru, you will have all these taken care of on your behalf and you will not have to deal with all the unnecessary hassle.

Another option for you is to use the service of a property specialist to list your property online, where it will be searchable from the search engines to maximize your property\’s exposure to potential buyers. It is now becoming a growing trend for many people to turn to the internet to buy, sell or rent properties.

Additionally, using the service of an internet property portal allows you to post pictures of your property on your listings. This can make property viewing more convenient as buyers can view your property without the hassles of making appointments and having to travel to see the actual property. As a seller, the service of an online Malaysia property portal can help you to delegate this task to the real estate agent such as receiving phone calls on your behalf and bringing the potential buyers to view your property when you are unavailable or busy.

Another advantage of using the service of a real estate agent is that it can prevent buyers from negotiating for prices that are lower than what your property is worth, as they will be dealing with your agent instead of directly with you.

Real estate agents will be good negotiators on your behalf. Their task is to find the right properties for potential buyers and they are in the position to understand the important selling points of your properties to help you make a quicker sale at a higher price. For example, you may think that a renovation is a good point to keep your property at a good price even if the potential buyer actually did not like the renovation you made. If you are dealing directly with the potential buyer, chances are you will be pressed to make a sale offer at a lower price or to get into a heated argument due to lack of expertise and understanding of what your potential buyer’s needs are. However, using the service of an agent, he may have the skills to divert the buyer’s attention away from the renovation and focus instead on other plus points, such as the facilities, area security and accessibility.

Getting an agent will increase the chances of your properties being viewed. Do know that if your property is not viewed much, there is a chance that your property will be sold at a price below its market value. One solution which will protect your property’s value is by using the service of the real estate agent of your choice to maintain a high level of views from potential buyers. Property portals like HomeGuru gives you personal access to any one of their professionals for expert advice.

Larry Lim is a Kuala Lumpur-based SEO Consultant. He owns and writes for various online websites specializing in topics like internet marketing, education and

Author Bio: Larry Lim is a Kuala Lumpur-based SEO Consultant. He owns and writes for various online websites specializing in topics like internet marketing, education and Malaysia property.

Category: Real Estate
Keywords: property, malaysia, real estate

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