Cats Can DestroyYour Furniture – How to Take Care of Yours

Cats love to use their claws and we should probably realize the confusion they go through when they are told not to. We think that a cat should know not to scratch certain things.. Our cats must think we\’re crazy telling them, \”No! No! Don\’t scratch there!\” However unfair it is, we must do this to keep our furniture from becoming shredded mounds of fabric. There are some things you can do to get kitty to scratch on something besides your favorite chair.

My friend has a couple cats inside the house and have had many more over the years. One of the things I found that really helps is cat furniture. The cat condos, trees, perches and towers are a private playground just for them. They can jump, scratch and stretch without limits and it makes them very happy. Cats love to \”own\” things. They will put their scent all over their furniture and, since no humans will be using it, it becomes theirs. Scratching posts made from a fibrous plant material called sisal is a great medium for feline claw posts too.. They will learn the sisal is better to dig their claws into than the material on the couch.

Cats like to observe things before they rush into checking them out, so if they don\’t immediately jump on the cat tower or tree, give it time. A bit of catnip sprinkled over the unit and it\’s various platforms can certainly intrigue your pet. Once they inspect it and decide to try it out, they will love being in their own world of levels and scratching posts and dangly toys. My friend\’s cats have a definite preference for the sisal scratching posts as opposed to my furniture. Cats just seem naturally drawn to the sisal because it\’s a plant based material. I am the owner of a resale store selling mostly used furniture. It\’s important to me that people care for their furniture and prevent pet damage as the resale value of used furniture is diminished greatly, to the point of it being worthless if there is evidence of pet damage.

\”Sticky Paws\” is an item that can be purchased online or in pet stores which is also something that will keep your cats from scratching your furniture. Sticky Paws is a clear, double sided tape that you can apply to anything that your cat might tend to scratch. When they reach to scratch and feel the sticky stuff they immediately pull back. My friend has used this for years and it works well. There\’s never been damage To any of the surfaces and the cats hate it.Eventually they will leave that spot alone and you can remove the tape. They usually won\’t ever go back to that spot. So if your cat is having a field day with your furniture, try the \”Sticky Paws\” or get them some cat furniture. I personally would rather use something that either makes them happy, like the cat towers, or deters them without any trauma, like the tape. Both of these methods are gentle and will not harm your pet, which is definitely the preferred for any pet lover.

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Author Bio: Resale, Used Furniture, Resale Furniture & Consignment Resale Furniture, Used furniture, sell your furniture

Category: Advice
Keywords: resale furniture, used furniture, consignment, resale, fine furniture, resale shop

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