What You Should Look For in a Good Street Furniture Manufacturer

Nowadays, there are already quite a number of street furniture manufacturers that you can check out. They all offer something special. From modern and classy designs to special features and add-ons, each of them boasts of an expertise in street furniture making that will help the public relax and enjoy walking outside. However, aside from designs and functions, there are other factors that you must consider. Keep in mind that street furniture, unlike your furniture pieces at home, are used by the public. Inside your home, you know the specific kinds of people who will use the furniture so you have a pretty good idea on how to make them safe. On the contrary, diverse people will use the furniture along the streets, which means that there are kids, adults, students, pedestrians, and many more. Moreover, you cannot control the way they use these units so you have to make sure that they are built to last.


Manufacturers today are already investing on research and development to promote in their products. While some bollards are made of steel and highly functional in deterring people from parking too close, there are now bendy bollards that also protect cars from getting damages in case the driver is too clumsy.

Sometimes, the addition of colour is also a part of the design. While traditional barriers are made of steel or materials with neutral colours, they can now be powder-coated in order to fit in or more importantly, stand out, in its surroundings. Not only does innovation make products more functional, they also beautify or add aesthetic appeal to its environment.


As more materials become available and useable in making street furniture, the chance for safety also increases. They can now be considered as sturdier and more long-lasting if they are durable. If so, this low probability for damage translates to safety just for the mere fact that the public can use them without worries about their condition. Road signs are made more noticeable, which can only lead to safety and prevention of accidents as well.


Each manufacturer must know the proper guidelines in installing these products because, first of all, they made them and, secondly, they can’t be installed just anywhere. There are always strategic locations wherein they can be most useful without causing danger or distractions to passers-by and commuters. Installation procedures must be organized and planned. If they are not supposed to be moved, such as benches, they must be installed in a way people would not be able to move them. With barriers and bollards, they must be easily to carry so that they can be moved and transferred whenever needed.

There are a lot of well-established street furniture manufacturers. If you take a look at their offerings, they all offer innovative products that can help enhance the surroundings. Aside from the expertise of the manufacturer, you must carefully study each and every furniture that you’ll be buying. Find out the background of its features and details. This will help you pre-determine the effectiveness of the product when it’s already installed.

Cast Iron Bollards Stainless Bollard Bollard Stainless steel bollards

John from http://www.ypl-streetfurniture.co.uk

Author Bio: Cast Iron Bollards Stainless Bollard Bollard Stainless steel bollards

Category: Advice

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