Choosing to Understand the Relationship Between Age and Traffic Tickets

Every generation that has come along since cars and police met, has tried to figure out the relationship between age and traffic tickets. They have decided that the police just do not like kids driving. Or they prefer older people only to have vehicles.

During discussions you can hear the pros and cons about the subject. And there must be some truth to it otherwise it would not be a topic of conservation. So, is there a reason for it, that is the main question.

Deciding what factors cause the difference could be an identifier. But consider a few other things as well besides just the age of the driver. Think about the way the person is driving, the type of car they have, and other situations that might influence the officer.

Circumstances that are happening in the car could be a distraction, causing them to be blind to outside occurrences, leading to missed signals or accidents. Perhaps an older driver would be more alert, or less distracted.

An older driver is also more inclined to follow the rules of the road, and less eager to feel the need to impress friends. As we grow older we understand the results of speeding or careless driving, and how it affects everyone around us.

The cars that are being driven are also a valid point. The fast cars, the loud mufflers, and the music blaring from fourteen speakers gave way to the family car. Driven at a safe speed because of the precious cargo is one less ticket to be given out.

By seeing a few patterns, deciding the differences will become obvious. If you are not being observant, either as a result of friends or other things going on, it is easy to miss what is happening on the road. And that is when the accidents happen, or signs get missed.

Maturity, and not just age, will bring many changes to your life and your lifestyle. Starting to learn about the important things in life will bring on a different outlook. How you react to circumstances will change.

You will no longer be running around town with the gang, having fun and partying. Babies, toddlers, and loved ones are now the primary concern. Along with doing your best to keep them safe, you also understand about the value of the car you drive.

The officers are not out to get the kids for the way they drive. They are out to encourage them to be safe. And also, if possible, to keep them from killing themselves or others, through careless driving habits. It is another teaching experience.

And we hear of all the young drivers who do not pay attention to the lesson. Every day in the news there is an article about an accident involving teenagers and a car. They were driving too fast, or under the influence, and then there was an accident that could have been prevented. And this is part of the relationship between age and traffic tickets. The older driver has understood what safe driving is by living through the experience.

About the author, Fight your NY Traffic tickets, avoid demerit points which may cause an increase in your insurance. Supported by Link building services

Fight your NY Traffic tickets, avoid demerit points which may cause an increase in your insurance. Supported by Link building services

Fight your, avoid demerit points which may cause an increase in your insurance. Supported by

Author Bio: Fight your NY Traffic tickets, avoid demerit points which may cause an increase in your insurance. Supported by Link building services

Category: Automotive
Keywords: New York, traffic ticket, speeding, driving, insurance

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