All You Need to Know About Essential Driver Training

When you are learning to drive essential driver training is something you need to look at. There are many reasons for why this training should be looked at. Of course you will need to know what exactly this training is all about. Why you need this training is also important as is knowing what you will be learning during the training.

What are essential driver training lessons?

Essential driving training lessons are something that all learner drivers will need to take. The reason for this is that they are part of the RSA’s graduate driver licensing scheme. This scheme is in place to improve road safety and decrease the number of accidents and road fatalities in the country. This mandatory training will teach the fundamental driving skills needed to all learner drivers.

Why do I need EDT lessons?

You may be wondering why is it that you need to go for EDT lessons. The answer to this is that inexperienced and young drivers are more likely to be killed or seriously injured in car accidents. By going through this training you will be learning not only practical driving skills but also critical knowledge and behaviours that can help to save not only your life but the lives of others. People who have a learner’s permit issued on or after 4 April 2011 have to do these lessons before they can do their driving test. If you do not fall into this mandatory category then you can still opt to do the lessons which will help make you a safer driver.

What do EDT driving lessons involve?

Before you do the training you will want to know what EDT driving lessons involve and what they cover. To complete this training you will have to go through 12 one-hour lessons with an approved driving instructor. Your driving instructor will be logging your progress in a special logbook. You will also need to have a sponsor who is an experienced driver who can help you outside of the lessons. Your sponsor will also need to track your progress in your special logbook.

During the 12 lessons you will cover a number of things that help with critical and practical driving skills. The lesson structure will generally look like this:

1. Car controls and safety checks

2. Correct positioning

3. Changing direction

4. Progression management

5. Correct positioning

6. Anticipation and reaction

7. Sharing the road

8. Safe driving through traffic

9. Changing direction in more complex situations

10. Speed management

11. Driving calmly

12. Night driving

Once you have completed the EDT lessons you will probably still need to go for additional lessons to improve your skills. Practicing with your sponsor is also a good idea as it gives you more practical experience for your test and later driving.

When you feel confident in your driving abilities you can then take your test. You need to remember that one the day of your test you will need to take your special logbook with you as the examiner will need to see it.

This article was submitted by Simona Rusnakova, Online Marketing consultant of, on behalf of who provide affordable and highly successful Driving Lessons in Dublin.

This article was submitted by Simona Rusnakova, SEO consultant of, on behalf of who provide affordable and highly successful driving lessons in Dublin.

Author Bio: This article was submitted by Simona Rusnakova, Online Marketing consultant of, on behalf of who provide affordable and highly successful Driving Lessons in Dublin.

Category: Automotive
Keywords: edt lessons, edt driving lessons, essential driver training lessons

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