Simple Juice Recipes To Help You Get Started With Juicing

There are juice recipes that cover a wide range of topics from weight loss to detoxifying to fasting to improving your health to developing more energy to just finding a way to consume those five portions of fruits and vegetables a day that are the minimum recommended daily dietary allowance.

Juicing can be your solution in all these areas. There are a couple of basic things you need to know to get started before we go to some recipes. You need to start with a good quality juice machine, not your blender. The blender is fine for making fruit smoothies. There are top of the line machines that will handle almost any fruit or vegetable, others that are more produce oriented, like for juicing wheatgrass. Just know that soft fruits like bananas, citrus, kiwis, strawberries and avocados will tend to clog up the low quality machine. A way around this is put in a hard vegetable after it like a carrot. You may not always want a carrot in your juice, so putting in some ice will also work.

Wash your fruits and vegetables, remove any large seeds and pits, remove the peels from citrus, though in some cases the peels can be left on lemons and limes for extra zing. Cut into pieces that will fit the hopper for the juicer. This makes the juicer\’s task a little easier. By the way the some of the pulp that is left over after the juice is extracted can be placed back into the juice provided the seeds and pits are removed of course. Go easy with the juice if this is your first time. An ounce or two spread out over the day is good. And go easy with the leafy greens like spinach, kale, collards and the like. The great thing is that you can mask the flavor of unpleasant tasting vegetables like broccoli with a pleasant tasting fruit like apples or strawberries. Seasonings like herbs are also great to add to perk up the taste.

Here are some basic recipes to help you get started. You can add to them or drink them as they are. They can also be used to help curb your appetite if taken a half hour before the meal or just as a pick me up.

4 carrots, 1 apple, pinch of ginger

1 apple, 1 orange, 1 cup of spinach

4 carrots, 2 celery stalks, 1 apple, 1 stalk of anise

2 tomatoes, 1 celery stalk, 2 carrots, pinch of cayenne pepper

For cleansing, detoxifying, and water retention try this recipe.

4 stalks of celery, 2 cups of spinach, a couple of lettuce leaves (don\’t use iceberg lettuce), 1 cucumber

For weight loss this is known to work.

1 stalk of celery, 4 carrots, 1 apple, 1/2 beet, 1/2 cucumber

For a morning wake up drink, give this a go.

1 grapefruit, 2 oranges, 1/2 banana, 1/2 dozen strawberries

After sports or as an afternoon pick me up, this will do the trick. Served chilled or place ice in as you juice.

2 cups of honeydew, 2 cups of cantaloupe, 2 cups of watermelon

This is just a small sampling of the multitude of juice recipes that are available.

Want to learn more about juice recipes for juicers? Visit my website at for helpful tips and information on creating the best juices for your needs.

Want to learn more about juice recipes for juicers? Visit my
website at for helpful tips
and information on creating the best juices for your needs.

Author Bio: Want to learn more about juice recipes for juicers? Visit my website at for helpful tips and information on creating the best juices for your needs.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: juice recipes for juicers,power juice recipes,juicing for weight loss recipes

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