How to Memorize Important Things Quickly – The Power of Mnemonics

An Introduction to Mnemonics

What am I at the grocery store for? Wasn\’t there something I was supposed to do? These are the sort of questions we end up asking ourselves all the time, and mnemonics is a helpful way of helping us remember the answers to these questions.

By way of diagrams, rhymes, acronyms, and other systematic memory tools are effective ways of helping us remember things like faces, numbers, and important events. For example, many of us use our knuckles to remember how many days are in each month, this is a mnemonic method.

Mnemonics are a good way of exercise for your brain to improve your memory.


Mnemonics is a way of memory retention that is highly specialized for each individual. The systematic ways that we remember things may end up sounding strange to others, but that doesn\’t matter because it is a highly personalized method.

Mnemonics\’ Power

The human brain is able to expertly encode intricate information like sensory details, certain smells, and other things. It is ready to decode and interpret language, and many other forms of information. The brain uses complex information to make intricate models of the world in which we live. The brain stores all of this information so that it is available for us at a moment\’s notice.

For instance, if you see the word \”woolsack\”, it is likely that your brain will instantly pull up multiple words and ideas with which you associate the word \”woolsack\”.

Maybe you see that little puppy your neighbors just bought a week ago, or the hair of your daughter who needs to go to the hairdresser, or your own hair-dress that needs some care, or the new duvet you want to buy.

In reverse, you are able to use \”woolsack\” as a mnemonic to pull up the information with which you have associated it and remember the action that should be taken care of.

Try It!

The order of the colors of the rainbow is: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

Take a moment right now, and come up with a sentence, each successive word beginning with the first letter of the next color.

Be Original

During the creation of mnemonic phrases, let your imagination run wild. However, keep in mind that associations that are violent or negative are more difficult for your brain to retrieve. Use mnemonic devices that embrace positivity, as these are easier on your brain.

When you\’re coming up with a mnemonic, be original! The more outrageous or funnier the image is, the more likely that you will be able to remember. The power of humor is immense, and will help you enjoy yourself a bit more.

Try it Now – An Answer

Remember the exercise I asked you to do a couple of paragraphs ago? The sentence with the colors in reverse order I like to use is: Vacation In Broadway Gets You Of Ramble.

A Powerful Tool

The employment of mnemonics is a powerful way of improving memory, and by employing it, decoding complicated information is done with ease.

If you are looking to more effectively remember important things, or if you are a student who is preparing for an important exam, employ mnemonics, and improve your memory!

John MacRaay has developed himself an expertise on memory improvement. For more great tips on How Improve Memory Through Mnemonics, visit

John MacRaay had to deal with Memory Loss through his fathers suffering from Alzheimer\’s Disease. So he gathered information about Memory Improvement.
See also

Author Bio: John MacRaay has developed himself an expertise on memory improvement. For more great tips on How Improve Memory Through Mnemonics, visit

Category: Self Help
Keywords: brain exercise to improve memory, remember important things, effectively remember important

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