The Real Secret to Success Has Nothing to Do With Your Investment Portfolio

Everyone wants to know the secret to success or if there really is such a thing. If a secret to success is a viable concept, what is it? What does one need to succeed in today\’s complex world? Why do some people \”make it\” and some don\’t?

There are lots of guesses as to what the secret may be, but when you get to the nitty gritty, the true secret of success is not about the richness of your investment portfolio, your career, or luck. The secret is all about who you are inside as a person, a parent, a spouse, a friend and a child of God.

God is not Hate and He doesn\’t Hate You

When things go wrong, some will think to themselves that they have disappointed God and He thinks ill of them. If things go wrong, it can\’t be your fault, it has to be someone up there who put obstacles in your way to a successful life.

I have a hot tip for you. God didn\’t do it. God wants you and everyone else to be successful. Just like a parent, God is distressed when He encounters his children starving and homeless due to their foolish ways. Just like a parent, God has a plan for his children to rise out of the ashes and succeed.

What that plan is is for you to discover on your own and once discovered, you must choose to either follow the course of that plan or go on flailing blindly about in the dark.

As For Success, You are your Own Worst Enemy

You may be the very one standing in the way of your own success. Everyone has heard about The Secret. The Secret has been touted far and wide by the powers that be in Hollywood. Yes, The Secret is true. All you say and do, everything you think and every choice you make alters the road of your life in ways that defy the imagination.

The Bible states that God presents a pre-ordained pattern for success. There are certain steps that God wanted his people to take and their prosperity would be given to them if they only stuck to the path of faith where the steps would lead them.

Walk in faith. That\’s where most people stumble. It\’s hard to take a leap off a cliff and trust that God will catch you. It\’s hard to put both your future and the future of your family on the line in the name of faith. But if you\’re ever going to succeed, that\’s what you\’re going to have to do.

Luke 17:6 \”He replied, \”If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, \’Be uprooted and planted in the sea,\’ and it will obey you.\”

So there you are. The secret to success is faith. If you can conjure up even a mustard seed\’s worth, it\’s nearby and waiting for you.

To Learn more about Author Bishop Jordan please stop by the Bishop Jordan website.

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Author Bio: To Learn more about Author Bishop Jordan please stop by the Bishop Jordan website.

Category: Finances
Keywords: investment,finance,faith,spirituality,religion,god,bishop jordan

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